The Wisconsin Cannabis Activist Network

Founded in December 2011 and growing strong.

We are concerned citizens from all types of professions who are passionate about Cannabis Law Reform in Wisconsin.

Through Teamwork and Collaboration we will change the laws.

No one else is going to do it for us. We must be the change we wish to see in the world. And we could really use your help getting this done.


6 out of 10 Wisconsinites Support Legalization of Marijuana

Activist Actions


Learn about the basics of activism, volunteering, and getting started grassroots style.

Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets on specific topics such as veterans use, teen use, federal conflict, gateway / slippery slope theories + more

Action Alerts

When proposed legislation is active.
When a public hearing is scheduled.
A meeting or event is being held.

Elected Officials

Archived stances, legislation authored, bills co-sponsored, and voting records of Incumbents and candidates for office.

Advanced Planning

Assisting elected officials with policy design, ordinance language, and other strategies.

Speakers Bureau

 Experts in a variety of fields, who provide presentations on their respective specialties.

2021-22 Graph of Senate Support for Cannabis Reform in Wisconsin


Keeping track of our elected officials ever evolving stances on cannabis.

Custom Activism Plans

Federal, State or Local Initiatives….. or all three? Volunteer today and we can help develop your own plan of action.

wicannabisactivistnetworklogo 2
Sunset Cannabis Field. Marijuana Plants.

Fresh Content and News

Our articles provide fresh content and insight on the latest Wisconsin cannabis news.

Simply Amazing

Those who work hard to reform the cannabis laws in Wisconsin are simply amazing.
Jay Selthofner

Support us


  • Sign up as Volunteer
  • Learn about active bills
  • Learn who your elected officials are
  • Learn if your elected officials object or support
  • Contact them
  • Report back to us


  • Already signed up as a volunteer
  • Already know active legislation by bill number
  • Already in regular contact with your elected officials
  • Part of our local activism network

Start working with other cannabis activists today!