Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana

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We at Northern Wisconsin NORML have worked in this part of the state with Field Activists and County Leaders and feel Rep. Pat Snyder says more to constituents on the issue of medical marijuana then he does the news, but at least is always open to discuss medical marijuana.

WAUSAU – Voters in the Wausau area will face a choice on Nov. 6 between keeping Patrick Snyder as their state Assembly representative or replacing him with newcomer Alyson Leahy. 

Snyder, 62, is a Republican who has served one term in the Legislature. He has authored five bills that were signed into law, including Sara’s Law to protect lawyers and guardian ad litems after the death of attorney Sara Quirt Sann in a mass shooting on March 22, 2017. He is married with two children and lives in Schofield. 

His Democratic challenger, Leahy, is a member of the Marathon County Board and has completed training with Emerge Wisconsin, which is a six-month program that trains Democratic women to run for political office. Emerge Wisconsin is part of the national Emerge organization. She is 31, married and lives in Wausau. 

The 85th Assembly District includes Wausau, Schofield, Rothschild, the village of Hatley and adjoining towns.

Would you support changing state law to legalize marijuana and/or cannabis products? If so, under what conditions? If not, why?

Growing Support for Medical Marijuana
Growing Republican Support for Medical Marijuana

Snyder: I am open to discuss legalizing medical marijuana. I’ve talked with physicians and two of our county judges to hear their opinions. I see the benefits for those suffering from severe conditions that this would aid. I would like legislation that would control it like other medical prescriptions.

Leahy: This is an issue that Wisconsin has continued to avoid, even as states across the nation have moved forward with various levels of legalization. At the very least, the state should be open to researching the topic. As the opioid epidemic continues to grow, and our population ages, we owe it to Wisconsinites to explore other avenues of pain management.

What are district residents telling you are their most important issues, and how would you address them? 


  • District residents are happy with the increase in educational funding for K-12 and I am committed to making sure the resources are there for our schools in the future.
  • Also health care is important. I voted to ensure pre-existing conditions are covered. We must work to make health care affordable and available to everyone.


  • Access to affordable health care: My first step would be to accept the federal Medicaid funding that the Legislature continues to refuse due to ideological purposes.
  • Funding for public education: School funding referendums in our district and across the state, for basic operational needs, prove that Wisconsin residents care about local, public schools.
  • Infrastructure: Residents are acutely aware of the poor state of local roads and bridges. We need to enact a long-term plan that will be sustainable and will benefit all areas of Wisconsin fairly, while prioritizing Wisconsin labor and Wisconsin resources.


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