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Republican Jeremy Thiesfeldt 2018 Campaign Statements on Marijuana

FOND DU LAC –  The race for the 52nd District Assembly seat pits Republican incumbent Jeremy Thiesfeldt against Democratic challenger Kevin Booth — both of Fond du Lac.

Thiesfeldt, 51, a former teacher at Winnebago Lutheran Academy , was elected to the Assembly in November 2011. Newcomer Booth, 27, is executive director at Touchmark on West Prospect senior living community in Appleton. 

The 52nd District is comprised of the towns of Byron, a portion of Calumet, Empire, Fond du Lac, Oakfield and Taycheedah, along with the village of Oakfield and the city of Fond du Lac in Fond du Lac County.

Assembly members serve two-year terms. They are paid $50,950 per year.

Thiesfeldt and Booth both ran unopposed in their respective parties in the Aug. 14 primary.

The Reporter asked the candidates to respond to a questionnaire about their qualifications and positions on key issues. 

Would you support changing state law to legalize marijuana and/or cannabis products? If so, under what conditions? If not, why?

Representative Jeremy Thiesfeldt Assembly District 52 (R - Fond du Lac)
Representative Jeremy Thiesfeldt Assembly District 52 (R – Fond du Lac)

Thiesfeldt: There is a federal prohibition on marijuana. A legitimate constitutional argument exists as to federal authority to enforce such a ban. Law enforcement deals with the affects of marijuana every day, and has made strong statements against legalization, particularly recreational use.

I am supportive of legitimate, regulated medical use of marijuana and voted for CBD oil because I believe it has therapeutic use.

However, I have great concern the current promotion by adults for legalization has convinced children that marijuana use is trivial. The societal negatives of legalization will outweigh the positives, and we have clear evidence of this.


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