Gae Magnafici Discuss Their Views on Various Topics
I could not embed the video, so here is the link:

DrydenWire hosyed a live debate between Kim Butler(D) and Gae Magnafici(R) today, October 26th. The candidates are vying for the 28th Assembly District seat. Rep. Adam Jarchow (R) announced earlier this year that he was not seeking re-election.
The debate was held at our DrydenWire studio in Spooner, Wisconsin and was streamed live on our Facebook page (
Topics Included:
- Abortion
- Healthcare
- Pre-Existing Conditions
- Mental Health
- Education
- Vouchers
- School Funding
- School Safety
- Act 10
- Levy Limits
- Redisticting
- Legalization of Marijuana
- Meth/Opioids Crisis
- Foxconn