Rep. Neubauer: Statement on Governor Evers’ plan to legalize medical marijuana and decriminalize marijuana
Contact: Rep. Greta Neubauer, 608-237-9166
MADISON – Today. Governor Tony Evers announced his plan to legalize marijuana for medical use and decriminalize marijuana under 25 grams in his proposed 2019-2020 biennial budget. Representative Greta Neubauer (D-Racine) released the following statement in response.
“Last fall, Racinians spoke loud and clear on medical marijuana legalization,” Neubauer said. “An overwhelming 87 percent of voters in the City of Racine voiced their support for medical marijuana, and a further 66 percent of Racinians voted in favor of decriminalizing recreational marijuana in Wisconsin. I am pleased to see that Governor Evers is following the people’s lead in this proposal, opening new possibilities for medical treatment and fighting opioids in the Badger State.
“Decriminalizing marijuana is also a matter of justice and equity in Wisconsin. As much as 85% of our prison population is incarcerated due to low level drug offenses, and once they have served their time, many of these men and women struggle to move forward with their lives.
“Wisconsin incarcerates a disproportionate number of people of color, and this has to change. Gov. Evers’ expungement proposal, allowing people who have successfully served their time and their probation for low level marijuana crimes to clear their records and move on with their lives.”