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Rep. Edming Spring Marijuana Survey Results

Representative James Edming Assembly District 87 (R - Glen Flora)
Medical Cannabis Co-Sponsor Representative James Edming Assembly District 87 (R – Glen Flora)

A 2019 GOP Spring Survey sponsored by the GOP Assembly Representatives included Rep. Edming. In the spring of 2019 after overwhelming support in the Wisconsin public marijuana referendums the previous fall, many of the Assembly GOP members held a spring survey which was posted online and sent in the email to people on their mailing list, this district is primarily consisting of voters in Rusk, Sawyer and Taylor Counties. The results of 87th Assembly Representative Republican James Edming from Glen Flora spring survey are not surprising as 67% of his district supported medical marijuana.

·        417 in favor of medical legalization only (44%)

·        309 opposed any marijuana legalization (33%)

·        219 in favor of full marijuana legalization (23%)

In the current Assembly three additional Republican legislators have cosponsored the AB 570 (Medical Marijuana Bill). Field Activists have been reporting for years that first time cosponsors, Reps. Todd Novak, (R-Dodgeville) and Joel Kitchens, (R-Sturgeon Bay) have been supportive of medical cannabis and it is great to see their work have impact. And continued work over the last decade in rural Northern Wisconsin pays off as James Edming (R – Glen Flora) recently signed on as cosponsor to the Erpenbach/Taylor medical marijuana legislation. This is the first time Republicans have signed their name to a medical marijuana bill in nearly two decades.

Currently we have four (4) active bills/legislation pending in the 2019-2020 cycle. Rep Edming, Republican from Glen Flora has introduced AB 236 protecting firearms owners/medical marijuana patients protection, in addition to being added as a co-sponsor of the Erpenbach/Taylor medical marijuana bill. The other two bills he is not listed as a current co-sponsor. Will Rep. Edming be the first Republican to sponsor an Adult Use/Legalization bill? Send a message today thanking Rep. Edming for his support of marijuana reform and encourage him to Legalize Opportunity – Legalize Marijuana and be added as a co-sponsor of AB 220!

SB 377 / AB 220 publicly known as “Legalize Opportunity – Legalize Marijuana” Adult Use Legislation

SB 507 / AB 570 publicly known as “Medical Cannabis Effort”

SB 577 / AB       publicly known as “Decriminalization”

SB 237 / AB 236 publicly known as “Firearm Owners / Patient Privacy Protection”


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