Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
A whole bunch of signature pages were turned in from the La Crosse area. Most of them had been signed at Tree Huggers Co-op. We are training Dillon at Tree Huggers as a field activist and have upcoming meetings and event followed by a concert in La Crosse on Feb 13 where you can come out find out more about anything marijuana reform related in Wisconsin.
Most of the signatures collected came from Democratic Senator Schilling and Representatives Doyle and Rep. Billings districts, also Democrats. Democratic Senator Jeff Smith has Republican Assembly Rep. Prochinske is his district and a high number of supporters there signed also. As we process the signatures and help train the area activists, we go over which elected officials have sponsored what and we hope you will find it useful also:
Senator Schilling (D) = Medical Marijuana
Senator Smith (D) = Adult Use and Medical Marijuana
Assembly Rep Billings (D) = Decriminalization
Assembly Rep. Doyle (D) = NOTHING
Assembly Rep. Prochinske (R) = NOTHING
*Adult Use = AB 220, Medical Marijuana = AB 570, Decriminalization = SB 577
So in researching this I wondered why Rep. Doyle did not sponsor anything and found a few news article about Rep. Doyle and marijuana reform in his area.
He went to the La Crosse County Republican Party Facebook page, where he found a poll posted on marijuana legalization. On that poll, 85 percent supported legalization. While he said he wasn’t taking a position on legalization, he said he wanted to give people a chance to express their opinion.
Assembly Rep. Doyles Spring 2019 Survey is still up on his website also. I am not picking on his office for that, many other of his colleagues have a old survey live also. His 2019 survey did have two marijuana marijuana questions on them:
Do you support legalizing marijuana for strictly medical purposes upon a doctor’s prescription?
Do you support legalizing marijuana for recreational purposes?
If you live in his district I would take the survey! And before the next election I would call him at (608) 266-0631 or mailto:Rep.Doyle@legis.wisconsin.gov and try to figure his stance on marijuana reform and what he is willing to do. In all fairness and to close out the blog, we do believe he supports medical marijuana, as Rep. Doyle was a past co-sponsor of the medical marijuana bill in 2017. We do not know if he supports recreational marijuana, but 63% of La Crosse County supported adult use in the 2018 referendum mentioned. We do not want to distract from the fact that the current medical marijuana bills are stalled out in committee(s), which Rep. Doyle is not a member.
We have shared this information with area activists and now you also. We will follow up with his office for the results of the survey and more info. Thank you for reading. If you found this blog useful, please donate to Northern Wisconsin NORML today.