Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
Rep. Tittl was a sponsor of the 2017 decriminalization measure and is a sponsor of the 2019-20 Republican bill to create a medical marijuana program for Wisconsin. Rep. Tittl was one of the first Republicans to publicly ask for a public hearing on medical marijuana in past sessions. His continued efforts and willingness to work within his caucus to reform the marijuana laws earned Rep. Tittl a solid grade this session.
Unfortunately, he is not on the committee for medical marijuana legislation for this current session, if he was, maybe the legislation would not be stuck in committee, awiting a public hearing……….
Out of the 25 attendees in a 2017 Senator LeMahieu listening session, nine people voiced their support of legalizing medical marijuana in the state. Many cited mental health issues they believed would be better treated with cannabis oil than with pharmaceuticals. “There is a lot of interest on both sides of the issue,” LeMahieu said. “… It is great to have these listening sessions and hear people’s opinions.”
His office has continued to ignore the issue and has chosen to remain uneducated while sticking to prohibition as the ideal model set forth by the federal government.
With 1 out of every 722 people in Sheboygan County being arrested for marijuana, you would think decriminalization of marijuana would be something this Senator would be willing to consider………..
When asked to co-sponsor the new Bipartisan Decriminalization bill LRB-5228, Senator Devin LeMahieu sent this email basically dodging the issue yet again this session: “The State Assembly has adjourned its regular session. No legislation to legalize or decriminalize marijuana passed the State Assembly prior to its adjournment. Therefore, no marijuana legislation can be signed into law this session. ”
It is time for local citizens to show up to these meetings again and keep the cannabis conversations on going! I hope that these elected officials intend on listening and not talking, because I know they can blow 30 or 45 minutes easily. If you attend, keep them on track, bring something something of value to the table and bring a friend, or two.
If you need more information or just want to talk to us before you attend, call or email the chapter! We are here to help, but as you can see by the calendar of events, these listening session opportunities are scattered throughout Wisconsin and many will overlap in dates/times… these events are for local activists to shine!
Monday March 16th
12:30pm – 1:00 pm in Hilbert Community Center
2:00pm to 2:45pm in Manitowoc City Hall