Is Senator darling pulling a robin vos or just wrong about marijuana
As we know from the past, Senator Alberta Darling (R-River Falls) has not been friendly to cannabis reform in Wisconsin. She has held this Senate seat for nearly 30 years and held onto her prohibitionist position just as long. Alberta Darling disapproved of Tony Evers’ plan to legalize medical marijuana in Wisconsin, saying in January 2019: “Right now, I think there’s enough concern that I think we’d really have to do our homework and dig deep into research, whether we want to go full out on that issue.” In 2020 she received the lowest rating a politician can receive from NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws).

Many Republicans are supporting marijuana reform, but some of them are confused and confusing in the things they say. Like Assembly Rep. Robin Vos continuing to say he “supports medical marijuana” out of one side of his head and then the other side of his head says Wisconsin cannot even hold a hearing on the issue because it would be a circus.
Whether what these people say is to confuse voters or whether these people are just confused, it does not matter because their inactions speak louder than their words. We have a chance to vote Senator Darling out this November as she faces challenger Neal Plotkin (D-Glendale).
Senator Darling failed, plain and simple. And she failed to even understand the basics of cannabis reform after over decades in office and it shows after her recent WI EYE candidate interview on Oct 22nd, 2020. She did not get back to my office about her “miscue?” in the interview, but the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel also picked up on the story and reported the following:
Darling gets marijuana facts wrong
Campaign 2020: Sen. Alberta Darling (R) River Falls – 8th Senate District – WisconsinEye
Also in the interview, Darling said she supports legalizing medical marijuana — a measure she voted against last year — and she incorrectly claimed the state already allowed its use. Afterward, Darling spokesman Bob Delaporte said she had misspoken and meant that legislators had legalized CBD oil, a marijuana derivative that lacks the component that gives users a high.
Darling wants to meet with her colleagues before deciding whether to support a medical marijuana program, Delaporte said.
But in the WisconsinEye interview, Darling spoke more broadly, saying she supports medical marijuana but not recreational marijuana.
“We do legalize medical marijuana and I think that’s really important,” she said. “But I think to legalize recreational marijuana is going down a dangerous path.”
Darling and other Republicans stripped a medical marijuana provision out of Evers’ proposed budget last year.
The 8th District of the Wisconsin Senate is located in Southeastern Wisconsin, and is composed of parts of Milwaukee County, Ozaukee County, Washington County, and Waukesha County. (Map)
Contact Alberta Darling
Phone: 608-266-5830
Address: State Capitol, Room 317 East Post Office Box 7882
Madison, WI 53707-7882
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