City of Appleton lowers marijuana fines

Huge thank you to the continued efforts of the Fox Valley Libertarians for the work they do in the area and for notifying us of this meeting. Northern Wisconsin NORML Executive Director Kris Teegardin attended the Safety and Licensing Committee meeting to testify in support of the agenda item.
The City of Appleton had their meeting with the Safety and Licensing committee on Oct 14th regarding reducing the punishment of marijuana possession to $5 fine. The change had some debate during the committee meeting both on the dollar amount of the penalty and also if and why the violation would have a mandatory court appearance. The amendment submitted with the increase in the fine amounts ultimately led to a passing of 3-2 to recommend the approved changes to the full city council.
The council voted then on Oct 21st to reduce the fine from about $200 to $50 for a first offense.
The vote 13-1, to lessen the fees for marijuana possession $50 for 1st offense, $100 for second and $150 for third also specified NO mandatory court.
Ald. Michael Smith was the only person who voted against the change.
He says it would make it easier for people to “get away” with having the drug, despite it still being illegal.
You can follow more of our efforts to Decriminalize Wisconsin on our official facebook page.