Wood County For Legalization, call out for local activism
I would encourage any of my readers in Wood County, Wisconsin to pay attention. All politics are local and grassroots activism at the local level can help turn a whole state green.
As the great state of Wisconsin hesitates to move forward, cannabis activists are taking our mission of decriminalization, lowering the fines for possession or removing the penalty all together for personal possession of marijuana like the cities of Monona, Sturgeon Bay and Madison have done. Counties can join in also and recently Rock County set an example by lowering the fine to $1 for simple marijuana possession.
Cities and Counties can also declare a “resolution of support of marijuana reform”. An example of a past resolution can be found in Door County. Fond du Lac County had an interestingly worded resolution attempt a few years back. But also counties have used resolutions to oppose marijuana reform, like in the case of Florence County and Marinette County.
Cities and Counties can also place advisory referendums on the ballots for voters to vote on. Most notably in the marijuana referendums in 2018 where held in 16 counties and 2 cities. All passed.
The above things happen because people on the city and county boards are sympathetic to the issue and local residents bring up marijuana reform as they attend municipal meetings and have “cannabis conversations”.
If you have not already, go to your city / county meetings and get to know your elected officials, observe, learn and participate… much of this stuff is now virtual and can also be done by emails and phone calls. If you are already active at the local level, thank you.
It can be done, keep up the good fight!
If you are in Wood County, please follow the Wood County For Legalization Facebook Page as activism is happening locally there right now. You will not be alone, you will with be friends and with 70%+ support for medical marijuana reform in the Spring 2019 referendum, you have the numbers on your side.

And sign the petition below to make marijuana reform a priority for the 2021-22 Wisconsin Legislation session: