Federal US Senate and Congressional Representatives from WI
US Senate and Congressional Representatives
Contact information, past sponsorship history, voting records, public comments, member insights and useful links.
Sen. Ron Johnson – R
- Cosponsored the Hemp Farming Bill of 2018, which would end the federal prohibition of industrial hemp.
- Cosponsored the Therapeutic Hemp Medical Access Act of 2017 and 2015 which would end the federal prohibition of CBD.
Senator Johnson has come out against recreational marijuana legalization, but comments that he is open to seeing data produced by states that are moving forward with recreational cannabis in order to make a further decision.
Public Comments / Statements:
“What we can do is we can hold hearings to find out how it’s all working, to highlight the issues, highlight the problem, try and define the problems. So I think that’s what we should really do.“
“I have no comment on that right now. That’s a relatively complex issue, dealing with state law and federal law and we’ve got these experiments – we’re not enforcing federal law,” said Johnson. “I guess right now I’m just sitting here watching the states’ experiment and seeing how that happens. If anything I’d want to use the committee to hold a hearing, see how it’s working.”
Johnson said he is also personally against the recreational use of marijuana but believes it’s an issue that should be determined by states. However, he did not indicate whether the same determination should be granted to the District.
“I can’t support it myself because I think it sets a really bad example for young children,” Johnson said. “But states are doing that. Let the voters decide … Again, I like local control of those issues and then what we can do here in Congress is hold hearings, find out, how’s it working? What kind of problems are there?“
Contact Ron Johnson via Email: https://www.ronjohnson.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/casework-contact-form
Web: http://www.ronjohnson.senate.gov/
Phone: 202-224-5323 or Address: 328 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510
Know more about this politician’s position on marijuana? Please contact our office and let us know!
Sen. Tammy Baldwin – D
- Cosponsored the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Cosponsored the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, which would allow banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2019)
- Quote: “I support the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes. I also believe the federal government should not interfere with states’ decisions regarding the treatment of marijuana use for medical and recreational purposes.” (2019)
- Cosponsored the Hemp Farming Act of 2018, which would end the federal prohibition of industrial hemp.
- Cosponsored the CARERS Act of 2015, which would have prevented the government from interfering with state medical cannabis policy, moved cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule II, ended the federal prohibition of CBD, allowed banks to provide services to legal cannabis businesses, and allowed VA doctors to recommend cannabis for veterans in states where it is legal. (2015)
- Cosponsored the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2015, which would have ended the federal prohibition of industrial hemp. (2015)
- Cosponsored the Therapeutic Hemp Medical Access Act of 2017, which would end the federal prohibition of CBD.
- Voted in favor of allowing VA doctors to recommend cannabis for veterans in states where it is legal. (2017)
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting medical cannabis patients and providers in states where it is legal. (2016)
- Voted in favor of allowing banks to provide financial services to cannabis-related businesses that are operating legally under state laws. (2016)
Contact Tammy Baldwin
Email: https://www.baldwin.senate.gov/feedback
Web: https://www.baldwin.senate.gov/
Phone: 202-224-5653 Address: 709 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510
Know more about this politician’s position on marijuana? Please contact our office and let us know!
Rep. Bryan Steil (Congressional District-1) – R
- Voted in favorof the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Voted against the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2020)
- Voted against preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2019)
- Said there’s a risk that legalizing medical marijuana leads to legalizing recreational marijuana. (2018)
Bryan Steil is not an advocate for recreational or medicinal marijuana legalization.
Public Comments:
“I look in particular at the experiment with medical marijuana and it has drifted into effectively recreational marijuana and I think there is a real risk that will travel into our high schools and be dangerous for our high schools,” said Steil. https://fox6now.com/2018/10/24/5-takeaways-from-debate-between-candidates-in-1st-congressional-district-race/
(3/28/19) Q: What is your position on decriminalization of marijuana for recreational or medical use?
A: I’m always concerned that we have a lot of drugs, in particular that get into our high schools. So that’s kind of front of mind. I would be supportive of the FDA doing research into the effects of marijuana, and analyzing that thoughtfully on the medical marijuana side. So, do the research, have the FDA review, and go through a traditional drug process rather than kind of carte blanche authorizing it. I also think we could look to make sure we right-size the criminal laws as it relates to possession of marijuana.
Wisconsin’s 1st district covers the following counties:
Counties – Kenosha, Racine, Milwaukee (partial), Rock (partial), Walworth (partial), Waukesha (partial)
Contact Bryan Steil
Email: https://steil.house.gov/zip-code-lookup?form=/contact/email-me
Phone: 202-225-3031 Address: 1526 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Know more about this politician’s position on marijuana? Please contact our office and let us know!
Rep. Mark Pocan (Congressional District-2) – D
- Voted in favor of the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Voted in favor and was co-sponsor of the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2020)
- Voted in favor of the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, which would allow banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2019)
- Cosponsored the Marijuana Justice Act of 2019, which would end cannabis prohibition at the federal level, expunge federal cannabis convictions, reinvest in the communities that have been most harmed by cannabis prohibition, and penalize states that continue to disproportionately arrest people of color and low-income individuals for cannabis-related crimes. (2019)
- Cosponsored the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2019, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level. (2019)
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2019)
- Cosponsored the Marijuana Justice Act of 2018, which would end cannabis prohibition at the federal level and expunge federal cannabis convictions. (2018)
- Cosponsored the Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act, which would legalize and regulate cannabis at the federal level. (2018)
- Cosponsored the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2017, which would end cannabis prohibition at the federal level. (2018)
- Cosponsored the Respect State Marijuana Laws Act of 2017, which would prevent the federal government from interfering with cannabis policy at the state level. (2017)
- Cosponsored the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, which would allow banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2019)
- Cosponsored the SAFE Act of 2017, which would allow banks to provide services to legitimate cannabis businesses. (2017)
- Cosponsored the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2017, which would end the federal prohibition of industrial hemp. (2017)
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting medical cannabis patients and providers in states where it is legal. (2015)
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2015)
- Voted in favor of allowing VA doctors to recommend medical cannabis for veterans in states where it is legal. (2016)
- Voted in favor of preventing states from penalizing banks for providing financial services to legitimate cannabis businesses. (2014)
Mark Pocan is a vocal advocate for legalizing cannabis at a federal level. He has consistently voted in favor of progressive reform legislation, and calls for sensible marijuana laws.
Public Comments:
(4/30/19) Reedsburg resident Trish Henderson asked Pocan’s stance on legalizing marijuana, mentioning Gov. Tony Evers efforts to legalize it. Pocan said he’s always supported efforts for legalizing marijuana at the federal level and supporting those in the marijuana growing business.
“I have been supportive of outright legalization but it’s going to be a state issue,” Pocan said. “It’s not necessarily going to happen at the federal level.”
“I strongly believe states should be allowed to enact their own marijuana laws, and have consistently supported attempts to ensure federal laws do not interfere with them,” said Rep. Mark Pocan. “I’m also an ardent supporter of tribal sovereignty, which is why I introduced this bill forbidding the federal government from considering marijuana production, possession, or sale as an adverse factor when disbursing federal funds.”
Wisconsin’s 2nd district covers the following counties:
Dane, Green, Iowa, Sauk, Lafayette, Richland (partial), Rock (partial)
Contact Mark Pocan
Email: https://pocan.house.gov/contact/share-your-opinion
Phone: 202-225-2906 Address: 1727 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Know more about this politician’s position on marijuana? Please contact our office and let us know!
Rep. Ron Kind (Congressional District-3) – D
- Voted in favor of the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Voted in favor of the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2020)
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2019)
- Cosponsored the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2017, which would end the federal prohibition of industrial hemp.
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting medical cannabis patients and providers in states where it is legal. (2015)
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2015)
- Voted in favor of allowing VA doctors to recommend medical cannabis for veterans in states where it is legal. (2016)
- Voted in favor of preventing states from penalizing banks for providing financial services to legitimate cannabis businesses. (2014)
Public Comments
Democrat Ron Kind says he believes it’s a better alternative for many vets with chronic pain. “I don’t have a problem with that. In fact, I’ve had a lot of veterans come up to me and say, you know, I’d rather not be prescribed this cocktail of prescription drugs, opioids, pain management. Rather, they’d like to have access under proper supervision of medicinal marijuana to deal with some of their pain needs.”
June 20/2016
“We should just watch and see how that experiment plays out,” he said, “and what the unintended consequences of that might be.”
“As a father and a former prosecutor in this area, I’ve got a lot of questions about just the recreational use of marijuana and what it might lead to,” he said.
“Also, I think using marijuana makes people dumber,” he said. “At a time when one of our greatest challenges is increased global competition.”
(10/12/14) I support legalizing medical marijuana but oppose the full legalization of recreational marijuana. As a former prosecutor, I’ve seen the negative impact that drug and alcohol addiction can have on individuals, families and communities. Colorado and Washington State have taken the lead to decriminalize marijuana. We should watch those experiments closely before deciding to legalize recreational marijuana nationally.
Wisconsin’s 3rd district covers the following counties:
Adams, Buffalo, Crawford, Dunn, Eau Claire, Grant, La Crosse, Pepin, Pierce, portage, Trempealeau, Vernon, Chippewa (partial), Jackson (partial), Juneau (partial), Monroe (partial), Richland (partial), Wood (partial)
Contact Ron Kind
Email: https://kind.house.gov/contact/email
Phone: 202-225-5506 Address: 1502 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Know more about this politician’s position on marijuana? Please contact our office and let us know!
Rep. Gwen Moore (Congressional District-4) – D
- Voted in favor of the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Cosponsored the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Voted in favor of the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2020)
- Voted in favor of the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, which would allow banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2019)
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2019)
- Cosponsored the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, which would allow banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2019)
- Cosponsored the Jobs and Justice Act of 2018, which would end cannabis prohibition at the federal level and create a reinvestment fund to assist communities that have been negatively affected by the War on Drugs (the bill also does a variety of other things).
- Cosponsored the SAFE Act of 2017, which would allow banks to provide services to legitimate cannabis businesses.
- Cosponsored the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2017, which would end the federal prohibition of industrial hemp.
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting medical cannabis patients and providers in states where it is legal. (2015)
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2015)
- Voted in favor of allowing VA doctors to recommend medical cannabis for veterans in states where it is legal. (2016)
- Voted in favor of preventing states from penalizing banks for providing financial services to legitimate cannabis businesses. (2014)
Public Comments:
“The war on drugs ripped American families apart, falling especially hard on communities of color. Its effects continue to wreak havoc across the country.” 3/9/18 https://twitter.com/RepGwenMoore/status/975906839597600769
Wisconsin’s 4th district covers the following counties:
Milwaukee (partial), Waukesha (partial)
Contact Gwen Moore
Email: https://gwenmoore.house.gov/contact/
Web: https://gwenmoore.house.gov
Phone: 202-225-4572 Address: 2252 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Know more about this politician’s position on marijuana? Please contact our office and let us know!
Rep. Scott Fitzgerald (Congressional Distrcit-5) R
- Voted in favor of the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Born Chicago, Illinois, November 16, 1963; married; 3 children.
- Graduate Hustisford High School, 1981; B.S. in Journalism, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, 1985; U.S. Army Armor Officer Basic Course, 1985; U.S. Army Command and General Staff College.
- Former associate newspaper publisher; U.S. Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel (retired).
- Member: Dodge County Republican Party (chair, 1992–94); Juneau Lions Club; Reserve Officers Association; Knights of Columbus.
- Elected to Wisconsin State Senate in 1994. Leadership positions: Majority Leader 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011 (through 7/24/12); Minority Leader 2011 (effective 7/24/12), 2009, 2007; Majority Leader 9/17/04 to 11/10/04. Elected to Congress in 2020.
During Fitzgerald was a NO to anything marijuana and even opposed allowing public hearings on his watch as a Wisconsin State Senator. He was labeled as an obstacle to decriminalization from even conservative measures by fellow Republicans going back to 2017.
His lack of compassion was just as evident as his lack of education on the issue of medical cannabis. The sick, dying and disabled of Wisconsin suffered under his control and patients within his districts ending up dying while being insulted by this prohibitionist.
Adult use marijuana is known as recreational marijuana in the news at times. We are unsure if this guy has every had any recreational fun in his life, but it is ironic that he worked in Madison Wisconsin where weed is basically legal and now he works in Washington D.C. where weed is legal. His district he left behind supports reform and so does the guy who replaced the State Senate Fitz left behind.
Will money change Fitzgerald and his stance on cannabis? His first vote on the issue concerned money/banking and he voted yes…. maybe it was by mistake…..
Public Comments:
Video Segment Featuring Fitzgerald in denial from January 2019
According to Kenosha News, Fitzgerald strongly opposes legalizing marijuana. (2019)
Quote: “We’ve got all these issues. We’re spending all this not only revenue, but just energy trying to get a control on these substances that are just wreaking havoc across the state. I don’t know why this is a good time to introduce legal marijuana in Wisconsin.” (2019)
Wisconsin’s 5th district covers the following counties:
Jefferson, Washington, Dodge (partial), Milwaukee (partial), Walworth (partial), Waukesha (partial)
Contact Scott Fitzgerald
Email: http://fitzgerald.house.gov/contact
Web: https://fitzgerald.house.gov
Phone: 202-225-5101Address: 1507 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Know more about this politician’s position on marijuana? Please contact our office and let us know!
Rep. Glenn Grothman (Congressional District-6) – R
- Voted in favorof the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Voted against the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2020)
- Voted against preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2019)
- Cosponsored the Charlotte’s Web Medical Access Act of 2015, which would have ended the federal prohibition of CBD. (2015)
- Cosponsored the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2017, which would end the federal prohibition of industrial hemp.
- Cosponsored the Hemp Farming Act of 2018, which would end the federal prohibition of industrial hemp.
- Cosponsored LUMMA, which would move cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule II and allow states to set their own medical cannabis policy.
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting medical cannabis patients and providers in states where it is legal. (2015)
- Voted against preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2015)
- Voted in favor of allowing VA doctors to recommend medical cannabis for veterans in states where it is legal. (2016)
Glenn Grothman is a proponent for hemp and its ability to help agricultural areas of Wisconsin, but is against recreational marijuana.
Public Comments:
“It sounds OK to say we ought to make marijuana legal, but as you make marijuana legal you have more people living I guess what I’ll call a marijuana lifestyle. I would suggest when you go home you Google Colorado and you Google homelessness and see what you come up with.“
“Industrial hemp plays a large role in Wisconsin’s agricultural history, and legalizing it now will only benefit Wisconsin,” said Grothman. “Non-narcotic industrial hemp makes our economy stronger by providing an additional revenue stream for farmers, and is useful in other areas like construction and manufacturing.“
“In Colorado there’s a huge number of homeless people out there, it sounds okay to say we ought to make marijuana legal, but obviously as you make marijuana legal you have more people living what I would call the marijuana lifestyle.” 11/27/17
Wisconsin’s 6th district covers the following counties:
Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Manitowoc, Marquette, Ozaukee, Sheboygan, Waushara, Doge (partial), Milwaukee (partial), Winnebago (partial)
Contact Glenn Grothman
Email: https://grothman.house.gov/contact/email
Web: http://grothman.house.gov/
Phone: 202-225-2476 Address: 1427 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Know more about this politician’s position on marijuana? Please contact our office and let us know!
Rep. Tom Tiffany (Congressional District-7) – R
- Voted againstthe SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Voted against the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2020)
- Born Wabasha, Minnesota, December 30, 1957; married; 3 children.
- Graduate Elmwood High School, 1976; B.S. in Agricultural Economics, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, 1980.
- Dam tender, Wisconsin Valley Improvement Company.
- Member: National Rifle Association; Ruffed Grouse Society.
- Town of Little Rice supervisor, 2009–13.
- Elected to Assembly 2010. Elected to Senate since 2012. Elected to Congress in 2020 Special Election.
Member of Sporting Heritage Council
Public Comments:
As a Wisconsin State Senator, Rep. Tiffany opposed the decriminalization of marijuana, saying: ““I find it outrageous that he [Governor Tony Evers] claims to be ‘for the children’ when we are beginning to understand the impact of marijuana on the brain, especially for young people.”
Wisconsin’s 7th district covers the following counties:
Ashland, Barron, Bayfield, Burnett, Clark, Douglas, Florence, Forest, Iron, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Oneida, Polk, Price, Rusk, Sawyer, St. Croix, Taylor, Vilas, Washburn, Chippewa (partial), Jackson (partial), Juneau (partial), Monroe (partial), Wood (partial)
Contact Tom Tiffany
Email: https://tiffany.house.gov/zip-code-lookup?form=/contact/email
Web: https://tiffany.house.gov/
Phone: 202-225-3365 Address: 1719 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Know more about this politician’s position on marijuana? Please contact our office and let us know!
Rep. Mike Gallagher (Congressional District-8) – R
- Voted against the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Voted against the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2020)
- Voted against preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2019)
- Cosponsored the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2017, which would end the federal prohibition of industrial hemp.
In July 2020 he wrote a letter back to the constituents on the issue reassuring proection for Wisconsin under the 10th Amemdment if the state changed cannabis laws within.
Wisconsin’s 8th district covers the following counties:
Brown, Calumet, Door, Kewaunee, Marinette, Menominee, Oconto, Outagamie, Shawano, Waupaca, Winnebago (partial)
Contact Mike Gallagher
Email: https://gallagher.house.gov/contact/email
Web: https://gallagher.house.gov/
Phone: 202-225-5665 Address
1230 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
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