Special Election Candidate Pete Adams (D) receives A+ Grade

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When asked about his “stance on cannabis reform”, Pete Adams (D) had this to say, “I am in support of the legalization of recreational marijuana and on top of that taxing it and using the money from said tax to fund other state projects like fixing roads.

He has also giving additional public statements to the news media about his support for total legalization. In a recent Q & A, he said “The GOP stripped out language that would have legalized recreational marijuana. I would add that back in, tax it, and use the revenue as a more permanent solution to funding infrastructure projects, education, and lower property taxes.

The Wisconsin Cannabis Activist Network awarded him an A+ grade. You can view the July 13th, 2021 Special Election Campaign Page here and read the completed candidate questionnaire by Pete Adams.

Pete Adams receives highest grade from Wiscocan.org

You can learn more about the campaign of Pete Adams by following his campaign facebook page or visiting his website at www.adamsforassembly.com

The Special Election is being held Tuesday, July 13th, 2021 in Assembly District 37

Wisconsin Assembly District 37
Wisconsin Assembly District 37

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