City of Milwaukee Lobbying for Senate Bill 545
One of the tools citizen activists can use is the Wisconsin Ethics Commission – Eye on Lobbying Website. We will make sure to also add the link to our “Fact Sheet” section. Past lobbying information is archived. This tool will provide useful going forward as reform looms in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Cannabis Activists will need to know who is lobbying for and against cannabis reform bills.
Changes for Cities and Villages
Earlier in 2021 Milwaukee County lowered the fine for marijuana possession in the county to $1.
Due to the nuances of law, the change in county ordinance will actually only lower the fines issued by Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Deputies. Most arrests in Milwaukee County are issued by local police. That is why activists in the City of Milwaukee are trying to change that also.
Due to another nuance of law, municipalities (cities and villages) are able to go further in reducing penalties than the county is. Specifically, while the county can only lower fines to $1, municipalities can remove all penalties!
And that is exactly what is being proposed this very moment! If you are a city of Milwaukee resident, now is the time for you to put the ACT into activism!
Activists in the the city feel confident a majority of city leaders are supportive of marijuana reform. This initiative has a real chance of becoming in an ordinance in the City of Milwaukee. These are exciting times!
What else is exciting is too see that the City of Milwaukee is lobbying for legalization of marijuana at the state level. Not only is MKE leading the way on local reform, but the city is the first to register in support of Senate Bill 545, the bill to legalize marijuana in Wisconsin.

There is still more work to be done at the state level and you can help today be sending a clear message to law makers that it is high time Wisconsin legalize cannabis!