Gov Evers vetos Republican bad BHO Bill

Republicans gang up on butane hash oil and ram through a bill to increase penalties for certain cannabis concentrates. The Republicans jammed their bill through public hearings, and bill authors offered testimony to their own bills rather than calling in industry experts.

The bill language was weak. The change in law was not needed. And Republicans showed their true colors. This blow is especially harsh for Republican Jesse James, who claims to be an expert on this issue and the self proclaimed leader of “reasons not to legalize in Wisconsin .” All of his Republican colleagues voted YES to this bill, all of them.

Governor Tony Evers vetoed this bad BHO Bill and sent a clear message to Republicans.

Many news reports quoted the Democratic Governor as restating his commitment to legalizing cannabis in Wisconsin. Evers went onto add that he is “objecting to creating additional penalties for marijuana use and that this bill was another step in the wrong direction.

Governor Evers (D) has again and again supported making marijuana reform a priority for Wisconsin. This veto sends a message to the state legislature to do the same. You can help by sending a message to your state elected officials to make marijuana a priority!

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