Kenosha Residents On High Alert

Dear Kenosha Cannabis Crusaders,
It’s so hard to believe that summer is just around the corner! As we get ready for nicer weather, please don’t forget that cannabis reform in WI will not happen without YOUR help!
Kenosha Residents for Cannabis Reform (KRCR) has been working alongside some city council members to decrease first-time possession charge of cannabis to $1. This decision was passed through the Safety Committee meeting in May by a 3-2 vote. I know, this is exciting news BUT we need your help as it must still pass the full council.
Please plan to attend the Kenosha City Council meeting on June 5, 2023 at 7PM at 625 52nd Street, 2nd Floor, Kenosha, WI. As a means of showing solidarity, we ask everyone planning to attend to wear some shade of GREEN.
If you would like to speak in support of this change, we highly encourage you to do so. Making our voices heard is how we make changes happen. Slow and steady wins the race!!!
If you cannot attend the Kenosha City Council on June 5th, we have set up a petition “Lower the fine for cannabis in Kenosha to $1” for you to sign on and we will personally be delivering the petition to city council members. In addition, please email the city council at with your support of this measure.
All too often I hear people say, “Eventually WI will be a legal state.” I wish I had that much idle enthusiasm, but I don’t. Since this proposal passed, the Kenosha Police Department has gone on record indicating that they are suddenly seeing an uprising in violent crimes, involving “Marijuana.” KRCR has done a fantastic job with our counterattack to these claims. We are getting and making traction but we still need YOU!!!
Cannabis Reform will not happen without your involvement, please plan to attend and wear GREEN. We appreciate each and everyone of you and know together we can bring CANNABIS to WI. After all, the most dangerous thing about cannabis is that it is illegal!!!
Cannabis is a FREEDOM!!!!
Steffany Caputo, MSM
Wisconsin Cannabis Activist Network
Kenosha Residents for Cannabis Reform, Vice President