- About
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- Calendar of Events
- Contact
- Elected Officials
- Fact Sheets
- Federal
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- News
- Opt-out preferences
- Patient & Consumer Guide to Navigating Cannabis Safety
- Privacy Policy
- Sitemap
- State Assembly
- State Council on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (SCAODA) Reports
- State of Wisconsin Cannabis Reform Questionnaire
- Stop Cannabis Arrests in Milwaukee
- Terms & conditions
- The Wisconsin Cannabis Activist Network
- Volunteer Sign Up
- WI State Senate
2018 Election Coverage
- 2018 Wisconsin Fall Election – Uncontested Seats
- 2nd Assembly Candidate Shae Sortwell speaks about marijuana reform
- 4th Assembly District: Marijuana Q&A with Republican David Steffen of Howard
- 6th Assembly District: Q&A with Republican Gary Tauchen of Bonduel
- Campaign 2018: Rep. Mary Felzkowski (R) Incumbent Candidate for 35th Assembly District
- Candidate Barbara Dittrich supports CBD but opposes products with THC
- Democrat Rep. Gordon Hintz statements about cannabis reform
- Democrats Fred Kessler and LaKeshia Myers marijuana statements
- Freshman Republican Assembly Reps 2018 Election and Campaign Statements
- Gae Magnafici Discuss Their Views on Various Topics
- Incumbent Assembly Republican Murphy signals support for medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Dale Kooyenga shows sympathy for medical cannabis
- Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana
- Kalan Haywood campaign statements on marijuana
- Legislative candidates Swearingen, Meier, emphasize differences
- Loren Oldenburg campaign statement on marijuana
- Rep John Nygren does not support marijuana reform under any conditions!
- Rep John Spiros (R-Marshfield) pre-2018 election marijuana Q & A
- Rep. Billings should be more supportive of marijuana reform
- Republican Candidate Assembly 28 Gae Magnafici View on Marijuana
- Republican Candidate Jesse James campaign interview supports medical marijuana
- Republican from Neenah Rohrkaste answers marijuana reform question
- Republican Incumbent John Macco considers medical marijuana
- Republican Jeremy Thiesfeldt 2018 Campaign Statements on Marijuana
- Republican Michael Schraa 2018 campaign statement on marijuana reform
- Republican Ron Tusler 2018 campaign statements about marijuana reform
- Senator Roger Roth 2018 Marijuana Statements
- Thiesfeldt opposes legalization, wants FDA approved medical marijuana
- Tony Kurtz campaign statements on marijuana reform
- Wisconsin Legislative Scorecard 2017
2020 Election Coverage
- 2020 Republican State Assembly Candidates Supporting Legalization of Marijuana
- 2020 Wisconsin State Assembly
- AD 30: Zimmerman (R) vs Page (D)
- Alex Dallman, Green Lake County GOP Chairman Announces Run For 41st State Assembly
- Executive Summary: Wisconsin Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide
- Federal US Senate and Congressional Representatives from WI
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Republican Chuck Wichgers does not support marijuana reform
- Republican Rep. Kerkman statements on marijuana reform
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- Smoke The Vote: Governor Evers, Grade B+
- Wisconsin State Senate Candidates Supporting Legalization of Marijuana
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
2022 Election Coverage
- 2021-22 Wisconsin state Senate – Members occupations
- 2022 Election – Wisconsin Federal Races
- 2022 Election Info
- 2022 Election Wisconsin State Assembly
- 2022 Election Wisconsin State Senate
- 2022 Fall Referendum Results
- 2022 State Assembly Candidate Analysis
- 2022 State Senate Candidate Analysis
- 2022 Wisconsin Marijuana Referendums
- 2022 Wisconsin Uncontested Races
- Adam Jarchow enters Attorney General Race
- All eyes on these Republicans in 2023
- Cannabis Conversations with Senate District 8 Candidates
- Congressman Tiffany blows smoke about cannabis reform
- Democrat Primary August 9th 2022
- Gov Evers ballot initiative special session
- Kenosha Residents for Cannabis Reform
- Marijuana Report on the Senators Up For Election in 2022
- Marquette Law School Marijuana Poll Results
- Press Release: 2022 Election Coverage
- Republican Primary August 9th 2022
- Senators not up for election in 2022
- Support Governor Evers including marijuana legalization in upcoming state budget
- Vote YES Eau Claire campaign launches
- Who is Rachael “RCG” Cabral-Guevara?
- Wisconsin 2021-22 State Assembly and Senate marijuana support graphs
2022 Election Coverage Sponsors
- Press Release: 2022 Election Coverage
- Thanks to 2022 Election Coverage Sponsor Chamber of CannaBiz
- Thanks to 2022 Election Coverage Sponsor Gene Check from
- Thanks to 2022 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Thumb Alternatives in Stevens Point
- Thanks to 2022 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Web Design, serving the USA
- Thanks to 2022 Election Coverage Sponsor Kirk Everson from Everson & Richards, LLP Law Offices
- Thanks to 2022 Election Coverage Sponsor R. Cole Hemp Care in Oshkosh
2024 Competitive Assembly Races
- AD 1 Swagel to primary Kitchens, Paplham to face winner
- AD 14: Tenorio (D) vs Engstrand (R) vs Shevey (I)
- AD 21: Jessie Rodriguez (R) Assembly seat in jeopardy
- AD 21: Jessie Rodriguez (R) vs David Marstellar (D)
- AD 22: Melotik (R) vs Glasstein (D)
- AD 26: Amy Binsfeld (R) vs Joe Sheehan (D)
- AD 30: Zimmerman (R) vs Page (D)
- AD 40: DeSanto (D) vs Helmer (R)
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley (D)
- AD 43: Scott Johnson (R) vs Brienne Brown (D)
- AD 46: Fitzgerald (D) vs Quimby (R)
- AD 49: Travis Tranel (R) vs Scott Walker, MD (D)
- AD 51: Todd Novak (R) vs Elizabeth Garbe (D)
- AD 51: Todd Novak (R) vs Elizabeth Grabe (D)
- AD 53: Shukoski (D) vs Kaufert (R)
- AD 54: Incumbent Lori Palmeri (D) vs Tim Paterson
- AD 60: O’Connor (R) vs Lavrenz (D)
- AD 61: LuAnn Bird (D) vs Bob Donovan (R)
- AD 64: Incumbent McGuire (D) vs Hibsch (R)
- AD 65: DeSmidt (D) vs Gonzalez (R)
- AD 66: Incumbent Neubauer (D) vs DeGroot (R)
- AD 71: Miresse (D) vs Pahmeier (R)
- AD 82 Allen (R), Reilly (D) vs D’Amico (D)
- AD 85: Patrick Snyder (R) vs Yee Leng Xiong (D)
- AD 88: Welch (D) vs Franklin (R)
- AD 89: Ryan Spaude (D) vs Patrick Buckley (R)
- AD 90: Amaad Rivera Wagner (D) vs Jessica Henderson (R)
- AD 91: Emerson (D) vs Skinner (R)
- AD 92: Clint Moses (R) vs Joe Plouff (D)
- AD 93: Christian Phelps (D) vs James Rolbiecki (R)
- AD 94: Incumbent Doyle (D) vs Huebsch (R)
- AD 95: Incumbent Billings (D) vs Schnitzler (R)
- Bird (D) vs Donovan (R) in 61st AD rematch
- Is Shannon Zimmerman (R) Safe in AD30
- LTE: Duane Shukoski is right for AD 53
- Potential Outlooks for the Assembly in 2025
- Potential Outlooks for the Senate in 2025
- Top Ten Assembly Races in 2024
2024 Election Coverage
- ‘The Insiders’ discuss Wisconsin tribes’ push to legalize medical marijuana
- 2025-26 Democratic Assembly Leadership Elected
- 2025-26 Democratic Senate Leadership Elected
- 2025-26 Republican Assembly Leadership Elected
- 2025-26 Republican Senate Leadership Elected
- 53rd Assembly District Analysis
- 85 & 87 Assembly District and Snyder (R) moves
- 88th Assembly District becomes competitive
- ACLU of Wisconsin Candidate Questionnaires
- AD 1 Swagel to primary Kitchens, Paplham to face winner
- AD 11 Primary: Taylor (D) vs Heredia (D)
- AD 12 Will Williford go unchallenged in the primary
- AD 12: Russell Goodwin (D) vs Deanna Alexander (I)
- AD 13 Primary: Michalski (R) vs Granger (R), winner to face Vining (D)
- AD 14: Tenorio (D) vs Engstrand (R) vs Shevey (I)
- AD 15: Adam Neylon (R) vs Sarah Harrison (D)
- AD 19 Primary: Clancy (D) vs Anderson (D)
- AD 2: Sortwell (R) vs Saunders (D)
- AD 21: Jessie Rodriguez (R) Assembly seat in jeopardy
- AD 21: Jessie Rodriguez (R) vs David Marstellar (D)
- AD 22: Melotik (R) vs Glasstein (D)
- AD 26: Amy Binsfeld (R) vs Joe Sheehan (D)
- AD 27 Katsma (R) leaves, Brill (R) enters
- AD 27: Lindee Brill (R) vs Kay Ladson (D)
- AD 30: Zimmerman (R) vs Page (D)
- AD 31: August (R) vs Henderson (D)
- AD 33: Robin Vos (R), Kelly Clark (I), Alan Kupsik (D)
- AD 34: Rob Swearingen (R) vs Dennis Nitzel (D)
- AD 35: Callahan (R) vs McCrank (D)
- AD 37 Primary : Born (R) vs Rydzewski (R); Bates awaits
- AD 39: Chris Gordon (D) vs Alex Dallman (R)
- AD 4 and 6 Behnke, Steffen, Schmidt and let’s go Benson!
- AD 40: DeSanto (D) vs Helmer (R)
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley (D)
- AD 42: McCarville (D) vs Witherspoon (R)
- AD 43: Scott Johnson (R) vs Brienne Brown (D)
- AD 46: Fitzgerald (D) vs Quimby (R)
- AD 47 Primary: Maldonado (D) vs Udell (D)
- AD 48: Andrew Hysell (D) vs Lisa Rubrich (R)
- AD 49 Tranel (R) silent, so is challenger
- AD 49: Travis Tranel (R) vs Scott Walker, MD (D)
- AD 5 Sampson (D) to challenge Goeben (R)
- AD 5: Karen Kirsch (D) vs Lee Whiting (R)
- AD 50: Jenna Jacobson (D) vs Richard Johnson (R)
- AD 51 Harlow (D) and Grabe (D) race to challenge Novak (R)
- AD 51: Todd Novak (R) vs Elizabeth Garbe (D)
- AD 51: Todd Novak (R) vs Elizabeth Grabe (D)
- AD 52: Incumbent Lee Snodgrass (D) vs Chad Cooke (R)
- AD 53: Shukoski (D) vs Kaufert (R)
- AD 54: Incumbent Lori Palmeri (D) vs Tim Paterson
- AD 55 Primary: Gustafson (R), Schraa (R) and Kehoe (D)
- AD 55: Gustafson (R) vs Kehoe (D)
- AD 56: David “Kratom” Murphy (R) vs Emily Tseffos (D)
- AD 57 Primary: Peterson (R) vs Wilson (R), Caves (D) and Testin (I) on deck
- AD 58: Rick Gundrum (R) vs Deb Anderson (D)
- AD 60: O’Connor (R) vs Lavrenz (D)
- AD 61: LuAnn Bird (D) vs Bob Donovan (R)
- AD 62: Winner is Cruz (D) AD 63: Winner is Wittke (R)
- AD 64: Incumbent McGuire (D) vs Hibsch (R)
- AD 65 Primary: Flood (D) vs DeSmidt (D)
- AD 65: DeSmidt (D) vs Gonzalez (R)
- AD 66: Incumbent Neubauer (D) vs DeGroot (R)
- AD 69 Primary: Hurd (R) vs Lori Voss (R) winner to face Halls (D) Kelley (I)
- AD 71: Miresse (D) vs Pahmeier (R)
- AD 73: Angela Stroud (D) vs Frank Kostka (R)
- AD 74: Chanz Green (R) vs Jeanne Bruce (D)
- AD 75: Duke Tucker (R) vs Jane Kleiss (D)
- AD 77: Renuka Mayadev (D) is Unopposed
- AD 8 Primary: Ortiz-Velez (D) vs Murguia (D)
- AD 82 Allen (R), Reilly (D) vs D’Amico (D)
- AD 85: Patrick Snyder (R) vs Yee Leng Xiong (D)
- AD 86 Primary: Spiros (R), Rozar (R), Spindler (R)
- AD 86: Incumbent John Spiros (R) vs John Small (D)
- AD 88: Welch (D) vs Franklin (R)
- AD 89: Ryan Spaude (D) vs Patrick Buckley (R)
- AD 9: Priscilla Prado (D) vs Ryan Antczak (R)
- AD 90: Amaad Rivera Wagner (D) vs Jessica Henderson (R)
- AD 91: Emerson (D) vs Skinner (R)
- AD 92: Clint Moses (R) vs Joe Plouff (D)
- AD 93 Primary: Phelps (D) vs Butler (D), Rolbiecki (R) on deck
- AD 93: Christian Phelps (D) vs James Rolbiecki (R)
- AD 94: Incumbent Doyle (D) vs Huebsch (R)
- AD 95: Incumbent Billings (D) vs Schnitzler (R)
- AD 96 Primary: Johnson (D) vs Campbell (D)
- AD 96: Oldenberg (R) vs Johnson
- AD 98 Primary: Pridemore (R), Piwowarczyk (R), Schmechel (D)
- AD3 Tusler vs Bodden primary, who to face winner?
- Assembly District 26 in Sheboygan up for grabs
- Assembly District 42 chases off the GOP
- Assembly District 43 Is Missing Who
- Bird (D) vs Donovan (R) in 61st AD rematch
- Brady Coulthard (D) – Assembly District 14
- Caden Berg (D) and Joe Plouff (D) want to challenge Rep. Clint Moses (R)
- Can Rep. Steve Doyle defend his turf AD94
- Cannabis Profiles: US Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R)
- Congress: Three Democrats race to face Fitzgerald
- Conley (D) in AD 44 retires, Roe and Myers announce
- Dave Considine (D) retires, DeSanto, Cook and Kunicki announce
- Green Bay & AD 90 will get new face
- Incumbent overlap under new maps
- Is Shannon Zimmerman (R) Safe in AD30
- Kenosha Residents for Cannabis Reform Spring Candidate Guide 2024
- LRB-2858/1: relating to: medical cannabis, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
- LTE: Duane Shukoski is right for AD 53
- Magnafici retires, Duke and Kline announce
- New 89th Assembly District Competitive
- NORML Smoke the Vote Guide Inaccurate
- Pfannerstill vs Dittrich Primary Election
- Pizza, Pot and Politics Event Oct 5th
- Potential Outlooks for the Assembly in 2025
- Potential Outlooks for the Senate in 2025
- Press Release: 2024 Election Coverage
- Primary Battles of the 2024 Election
- Rep. Snodgrass receives Cannabis Legislation Leader Award
- Senate 10: Incumbent Stafsholt (R) vs Hambleton (D)
- Senate 12: Incumbent Felzkowski (R) vs Rich (D)
- Senate 14: Ballweg (R) vs Keyeski (D)
- Senate 16: Agard (D) leaves and Ratcliff (D) enters
- Senate 18: Alfheim (D) Carman (D) Phillips (R) Yang (R)
- Senate 2: Kelly Peterson (D) vs Eric Wimberger (R)
- Senate 20 Primary: Feyen (R) vs Ramthun (R) with Rapp (D)
- Senate 24: Patrick Testin (R) vs Collin McNamara
- Senate 28: Bradley (R) vs Lach (D)
- Senate 30: Wall (D) vs Rafter (R)
- Senate 32 Pfaff (D) challenged by Klein (R)
- Senate 8: Stroebel (R) vs Habush Sinykin (D)
- Senate Districts not up for election in 2024
- Senator Agard Retires, who will lead?
- Thank you candidates and sponsors for the Oct 5th Event
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor 3 Tall Pines
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Ellis Dee Smoke Shop
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Crown Extracts
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Thumb Alternatives
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Web Design, serving the USA
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Ignite Dispensary & Cigar
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Kirk Everson from Everson & Richards, LLP Law Offices
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Original Shirtface
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor R. Cole Hemp in Oshkosh
- Top 5 Senate Races of 2024
- Top Ten Assembly Races in 2024
- Will Paul Tittl (R) face a primary challenger
- WisconsinEye Candidate Interviews Lack Marijuana Question
2024 Election Coverage Sponsors
- Press Release: 2024 Election Coverage
- Thank you candidates and sponsors for the Oct 5th Event
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor 3 Tall Pines
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Ellis Dee Smoke Shop
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Crown Extracts
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Thumb Alternatives
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Web Design, serving the USA
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Ignite Dispensary & Cigar
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Kirk Everson from Everson & Richards, LLP Law Offices
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Original Shirtface
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor R. Cole Hemp in Oshkosh
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor The Stoner’s Travel Guide
Action Alerts
- 2021-22 Recreational / Medical Marijuana Bill open for co-sponsorship
- Action Alert: Federal Farm Bill / Hemp Amendment
- Citizen Input need for City of Oshkosh Decriminalization
- Co-Sponsor LRB 5891 Patient Focused Medical Cannabis
- Co-Sponsorship of LRB-0250/1: Creation of a Medical Marijuana Program
- Decriminalize Marijuana – AB 130 / SB 164
- Federal: Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (CAOA)
- LRB-2858/1: relating to: medical cannabis, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
- Make Marijuana a Priority in Wisconsin
- Milwaukee Marijuana Initiative Info and Sign Up
- National Day of Action for Cannabis Clemency
- Oppose Senate Bill 440 – Increased Penalties for Butane Hash Oil
- Petition to form The Wisconsin Cannabis Caucus
- Support The MORE Act: Federal Cannabis Reform
- The People’s Voice Act
- Wisconsin Adult Use Cannabis Legislation Introduced for 2023-24
Action Needed
- 2023-24 Decriminalization Bill Circulated for Co-sponsorship
- 31st Assembly District Rep. Amy Loudenbeck December in District Office Hours
- AB 772 / SB 702 THC Testing Reform Bill Introduced
- Action Alert: Federal Farm Bill / Hemp Amendment
- Assembly Bill 75 and Senate Bill 38 Committee Petition Information
- Bi-partisan led decriminalization does not attract Republican co-sponsors
- Cannabis News And Brews planned in Two Rivers on December 14, 2019
- Congressman Glenn Grothman January 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Grothman Survey lacks marijuana reform
- Contact your Republican Assembly Rep for leadership vote
- Council member from Berlin expects high turnout for November meetings
- Decriminalization bill just introduced
- Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
- Door County Support for Medical Cannabis Resolution 2018-88
- Help needed: Candidate Research and Data Entry
- Howards Grove, Cedar Grove and Sheboygan Listening Session Nov 4
- Is Rep Dittrich flip flopping her stance on THC?
- Keep bud in the budget and make marijuana reform a priority
- Medical Marijuana stalled by Wisconsin Republicans again in 2017
- Milwaukee Marijuana Reform Moves Forward
- MORE ACT: Wisconsin Republicans Just Say NO
- National Day of Action for Cannabis Clemency
- Patients Out of Time: Resolution to De-Schedule Cannabis
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Pizza, Pot and Politics Event Oct 5th
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Rep. Mary Felzkowski Dec 2019 Tomahawk, Merrill and Antigo Meetings
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Rep. Tittl, Sen. LeMahieu Listening Sessions in Manitowoc and Chilton Nov 4
- Republican Assembly Rep. Shannon Zimmerman District Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republicans mount attack against Cannabis extracts
- SB507 / AB570 Medical Marijuana Legislation for 2019-20
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Senator Patrick Testin Dec 16, 2019 Listening Sessions
- Sign up for Email Action Alerts
- Sign Up To Be A Wisconsin Cannabis Activist
- Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237
- Support the Resolution to forbid Robin Vos from claiming he supports medical Cannabis
- Visit Rep. Scott Krug in Wisconsin Rapids Dec 16
- WI Decriminalization Bill Circulated for Co-sponsorship
- Winter Survey: Is your Elected Official Conducting one?
- Wisconsin 2021-22 State Assembly and Senate marijuana support graphs
- Wisconsin Adult Use Cannabis Legislation Introduced for 2023-24
- Wisconsin Cannabis Legislation Meeting Planned for Oct 21, 2012
- Wisconsin County Marijuana Referendum July 2018 Meeting Dates
- virtual luncheons should address marijuana reform
- Wood County For Legalization, call out for local activism
- 31st Assembly District Rep. Amy Loudenbeck December in District Office Hours
- AB 772 / SB 702 THC Testing Reform Bill Introduced
- Bi-partisan led decriminalization does not attract Republican co-sponsors
- Congressman Glenn Grothman January 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Grothman Survey lacks marijuana reform
- Contact your Republican Assembly Rep for leadership vote
- Council member from Berlin expects high turnout for November meetings
- Decriminalization bill just introduced
- Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
- Door County Support for Medical Cannabis Resolution 2018-88
- Grass Routes Tour Targets
- Help needed: Candidate Research and Data Entry
- Howards Grove, Cedar Grove and Sheboygan Listening Session Nov 4
- Milwaukee Marijuana Reform Moves Forward
- MORE ACT: Wisconsin Republicans Just Say NO
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Radical Rant – The Drug War Racial Disparity in Pictures with Wisconsin Example
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep Pat Snyder In District Office Hours Dec 16
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Republican legislation has been pre-filed for the 2020 legislative session
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- SB507 / AB570 Medical Marijuana Legislation for 2019-20
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Sign up for Email Action Alerts
- Sign Up To Be A Wisconsin Cannabis Activist
- Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237
- Thousands turn out for first Wisconsin Cannabis Expo in Milwaukee
- Visit Rep. Scott Krug in Wisconsin Rapids Dec 16
- Winter Survey: Is your Elected Official Conducting one?
- Wisconsin 2021-22 State Assembly and Senate marijuana support graphs
- virtual luncheons should address marijuana reform
- Wood County For Legalization, call out for local activism
Activist Actions
- 31st Assembly District Rep. Amy Loudenbeck December in District Office Hours
- AB 772 / SB 702 THC Testing Reform Bill Introduced
- Bi-partisan led decriminalization does not attract Republican co-sponsors
- Coffee with Rep. Scott Allen from Waukesha scheduled for March 12th
- Congressman Glenn Grothman January 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Contact your Republican Assembly Rep for leadership vote
- Decriminalization bill just introduced
- Democrats Spreitzer and Ringhand hold online listening session April 1
- Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
- Door County Support for Medical Cannabis Resolution 2018-88
- Frank Buress: A Tribute to a Tireless Advocate
- Help needed: Candidate Research and Data Entry
- Howards Grove, Cedar Grove and Sheboygan Listening Session Nov 4
- Just Budget and Press Conference and Public Hearing
- Medical Marijuana stalled by Wisconsin Republicans again in 2017
- Melissa Agard honored with Cannabis Reform Advocacy Award
- Milwaukee Marijuana Reform Moves Forward
- MORE ACT: Wisconsin Republicans Just Say NO
- National Day of Action for Cannabis Clemency
- Paul Armentano: Wisconsin’s marijuana impairment laws need a fix
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Pizza, Pot and Politics Event Oct 5th
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep Pat Snyder In District Office Hours Dec 16
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Rep. Snodgrass receives Cannabis Legislation Leader Award
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Rep. Tittl, Sen. LeMahieu Listening Sessions in Manitowoc and Chilton Nov 4
- Republican legislation has been pre-filed for the 2020 legislative session
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republicans mount attack against Cannabis extracts
- SB507 / AB570 Medical Marijuana Legislation for 2019-20
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Sign up for Email Action Alerts
- Sign Up To Be A Wisconsin Cannabis Activist
- Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237
- Thousands turn out for first Wisconsin Cannabis Expo in Milwaukee
- Visit Rep. Scott Krug in Wisconsin Rapids Dec 16
- Winter Survey: Is your Elected Official Conducting one?
- Wisconsin 2021-22 State Assembly and Senate marijuana support graphs
- Wood County For Legalization, call out for local activism
Activist Kit
- 31st Assembly District Rep. Amy Loudenbeck December in District Office Hours
- Contact your Republican Assembly Rep for leadership vote
- Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
- Door County Support for Medical Cannabis Resolution 2018-88
- Just Budget and Press Conference and Public Hearing
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Republican legislation has been pre-filed for the 2020 legislative session
- Sign up for Email Action Alerts
- Wisconsin 2021-22 State Assembly and Senate marijuana support graphs
- 31st Assembly District Rep. Amy Loudenbeck December in District Office Hours
- Bi-partisan led decriminalization does not attract Republican co-sponsors
- Congressman Glenn Grothman January 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Grothman Survey lacks marijuana reform
- Contact your Republican Assembly Rep for leadership vote
- Council member from Berlin expects high turnout for November meetings
- Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
- Door County Support for Medical Cannabis Resolution 2018-88
- Help needed: Candidate Research and Data Entry
- Just Budget and Press Conference and Public Hearing
- Milwaukee Marijuana Reform Moves Forward
- MORE ACT: Wisconsin Republicans Just Say NO
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Pizza, Pot and Politics Event Oct 5th
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep Pat Snyder In District Office Hours Dec 16
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Rep. Mary Felzkowski Dec 2019 Tomahawk, Merrill and Antigo Meetings
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- SB507 / AB570 Medical Marijuana Legislation for 2019-20
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Sign up for Email Action Alerts
- Sign Up To Be A Wisconsin Cannabis Activist
- Thousands turn out for first Wisconsin Cannabis Expo in Milwaukee
- virtual luncheons should address marijuana reform
- Wood County For Legalization, call out for local activism
Adams County
- AD 39: Chris Gordon (D) vs Alex Dallman (R)
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley (D)
- AD 57 Primary: Peterson (R) vs Wilson (R), Caves (D) and Testin (I) on deck
- AD 71: Miresse (D) vs Pahmeier (R)
- Assembly Rep Dallman (R-Green Lake) 2021 spring Mobile Office Hours
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 24: Patrick Testin (R) vs Collin McNamara
- Senator Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) Spring Listening Sessions
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- 2022 State Assembly Candidate Analysis
- 2022 State Senate Candidate Analysis
- 2023-24 Decriminalization Bill Co-Sponsorship Analysis
- Medical Marijuana Bills Co-Sponsorship Analysis
- Potential Outlooks for the Assembly in 2025
- Potential Outlooks for the Senate in 2025
- Senate Bill 545 Adult Use Legislation Co-Sponsorship Analysis
- Senate Bill 545 Committee Analysis
- Senate Bill 790 – Decriminalization Committee Analysis
- Senate Bill 790 Decriminalization Co-Sponsorship Analysis
- Senate Districts not up for election in 2024
- Senator Agard to testify against medical marijuana bill
- Senator Brad Pffaf co-sponsors legalization bill
- Senators not up for election in 2022
- To Which Committee will Republicans Send Medical Cannabis Bills to Die?
- Top Ten Assembly Races in 2024
- WI Adult Use Cannabis Legislation 2023-24 Committee Analysis
- Will Senator Felzkowski hold a public hearing?
- WisEye interviews Felzkowski and Bernier
- 2023-24 Decriminalization Bill Circulated for Co-sponsorship
- 31st Assembly District Rep. Amy Loudenbeck December in District Office Hours
- AB 772 / SB 702 THC Testing Reform Bill Introduced
- AG Kaul joins cannabis coalition
- Alex Dallman, Green Lake County GOP Chairman Announces Run For 41st State Assembly
- Assembly Rep. Gordon Hintz Townhall March 19 Cancelled
- Badger Bounceback Session for Marijuana reform on April 14, 2021
- Bi-partisan led decriminalization does not attract Republican co-sponsors
- Candidates Start to File in Assembly District 89 Special Election
- Cannabis News And Brews planned in Two Rivers on December 14, 2019
- Congressman Glenn Grothman April 2024 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Glenn Grothman February 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Glenn Grothman January 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Glenn Grothman March 2020 Town Hall Meetings – Cancelled
- Council member from Berlin expects high turnout for November meetings
- Decriminalization bill just introduced
- Executive Summary: Wisconsin Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide
- Frank Buress: A Tribute to a Tireless Advocate
- Grass Routes Tour Targets
- Help needed: Candidate Research and Data Entry
- Is Rep Dittrich flip flopping her stance on THC?
- Joint Committee on Finance (JFC) set for 2021-22 Session
- Just Budget and Press Conference and Public Hearing
- LEAP Speakers for Wisconsin
- Melissa Agard honored with Cannabis Reform Advocacy Award
- Michael Schraa from Oshkosh co-authors Republican medical marijuana legislation.
- Milwaukee Marijuana Reform Moves Forward
- MORE ACT: Wisconsin Republicans Just Say NO
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Pizza, Pot and Politics Event Oct 5th
- Public Hearings – Budget 2023-25
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Rep Pat Snyder In District Office Hours Dec 16
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep. Edming Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Rep. Jessie Rodriguez Milw and Oak Creek Listening Sessions
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Rep. Shae Sortwell De Pere Listening Session March 9
- Rep. Snodgrass receives Cannabis Legislation Leader Award
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Republican Candidate Tate Barber early marijuana statement
- Republican John Spiros from Marshfield District 86 Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican legislation has been pre-filed for the 2020 legislative session
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Republicans mount attack against Cannabis extracts
- Round Table Discussion in West Allis – Marijuana Legalization
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- Smoke The Vote: Governor Evers, Grade B+
- Support the Resolution to forbid Robin Vos from claiming he supports medical Cannabis
- Thousands turn out for first Wisconsin Cannabis Expo in Milwaukee
- WI Decriminalization Bill Circulated for Co-sponsorship
- Will Wisconsin allow new smoking establishments in the future?
- WiscoCan Lobby Day Feb 22nd 2023
- Wisconsin Republican Senate Elects Leadership for 2021-22
- virtual luncheons should address marijuana reform
- Wood County For Legalization, call out for local activism
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Ashland County
- AD 73: Angela Stroud (D) vs Frank Kostka (R)
- AD 74: Chanz Green (R) vs Jeanne Bruce (D)
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Superior City Council votes to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Barron County
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep Romaine Quinn (R-Barron) Spring Survey Results
- Rep Romaine Quinn (R-Barron) Spring Survey Results
- Rep. Romaine Quinn co-authors Republican version of medial marijuana for Wisconsin
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Brown County
- 4th Assembly District: Marijuana Q&A with Republican David Steffen of Howard
- 88th Assembly District becomes competitive
- AD 1 Swagel to primary Kitchens, Paplham to face winner
- AD 2: Sortwell (R) vs Saunders (D)
- AD 4 and 6 Behnke, Steffen, Schmidt and let’s go Benson!
- AD 5 Sampson (D) to challenge Goeben (R)
- AD 88: Welch (D) vs Franklin (R)
- AD 89: Ryan Spaude (D) vs Patrick Buckley (R)
- AD 90: Amaad Rivera Wagner (D) vs Jessica Henderson (R)
- Candidates Start to File in Assembly District 89 Special Election
- New 89th Assembly District Competitive
- Rep. Gary Tauchen (R-Bonduel) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Shae Sortwell De Pere Listening Session March 9
- Republican Incumbent John Macco considers medical marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 2: Kelly Peterson (D) vs Eric Wimberger (R)
- Senate 30: Wall (D) vs Rafter (R)
- Top 5 Senate Races of 2024
- Wisconsin County Marijuana Referendum July 2018 Meeting Dates
Chippewa County
- AD 91: Emerson (D) vs Skinner (R)
- AD 92: Clint Moses (R) vs Joe Plouff (D)
- Caden Berg (D) and Joe Plouff (D) want to challenge Rep. Clint Moses (R)
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Republican Assembly Rep Jesse James co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Kathleen Bernier hints towards support of recreational and adult use marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Clark County
- AD 69 Primary: Hurd (R) vs Lori Voss (R) winner to face Halls (D) Kelley (I)
- Clark County Ordinance
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Republican Assembly Rep Jesse James co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Kathleen Bernier hints towards support of recreational and adult use marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Columbia County
- AD 37 Primary : Born (R) vs Rydzewski (R); Bates awaits
- AD 39: Chris Gordon (D) vs Alex Dallman (R)
- AD 40: DeSanto (D) vs Helmer (R)
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley (D)
- AD 42: McCarville (D) vs Witherspoon (R)
- Assembly District 42 chases off the GOP
- Congressman Glenn Grothman April 2024 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Glenn Grothman March 2020 Town Hall Meetings – Cancelled
- Dave Considine (D) retires, DeSanto, Cook and Kunicki announce
- One Republican Stands out in the Assembly District 37 Primary
- Republican Assembly Rep John Jagler swayed to YES on medical marijuana
- Republican Jon Plumer 2019 Spring Survey Marijuana Question Results
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 14: Ballweg (R) vs Keyeski (D)
- Senator Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) Spring Listening Sessions
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- Special Election Candidate William Penterman (R) Plays politics with pot
- Top 5 Senate Races of 2024
Dane County
- 2022 Wisconsin Marijuana Referendums
- AD 42: McCarville (D) vs Witherspoon (R)
- AD 46: Fitzgerald (D) vs Quimby (R)
- AD 50: Jenna Jacobson (D) vs Richard Johnson (R)
- Assembly District 42 chases off the GOP
- Senate 16: Agard (D) leaves and Ratcliff (D) enters
- Senator Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) Spring Listening Sessions
- Todd Menzel (R) 13th Senate District: Cannabis Questionnaire
Dane County
- AD 47 Primary: Maldonado (D) vs Udell (D)
- One Republican Stands out in the Assembly District 37 Primary
- Senate 14: Ballweg (R) vs Keyeski (D)
- Special Election Candidate Pete Adams (D) receives A+ Grade
- Special Election Candidate William Penterman (R) Plays politics with pot
- Wisconsin County Marijuana Referendum July 2018 Meeting Dates
Dane County
- AD 48: Andrew Hysell (D) vs Lisa Rubrich (R)
- AD 77: Renuka Mayadev (D) is Unopposed
- Is Rep Dittrich flip flopping her stance on THC?
- Rep. Barbara Dittrich of District 38 2019 Marijuana Survey Question Results
- Republican Assembly Rep John Jagler swayed to YES on medical marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Top 5 Senate Races of 2024
- 2023-24 Decriminalization Bill Circulated for Co-sponsorship
- 2023-24 Decriminalization Bill Co-Sponsorship Analysis
- Bi-partisan led decriminalization does not attract Republican co-sponsors
- Can Goyke find his Republican? Vos, Loudenbeck and Kerkman “Just Say No”
- City of Appleton lowers marijuana fines
- Decriminalization bill just introduced
- Kenosha Residents On High Alert
- Rep. Sortwell and Rep. Mursau support 1% THC in Hemp
- Republican Assembly Rep. Shannon Zimmerman District Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Felzkowski Hints at Supporting Decrminalization.
- Republican Zimmerman and Stafsholt hash out marijuana reform
- Rock County joins the $1 marijuana Fine Club
- Superior City Council votes to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana
- Wauwatosa rejects citizens wants
- WI Decriminalization Bill Circulated for Co-sponsorship
- WI State Public Defenders Office requests decriminalization
- Will the real Joel Kitchens please stand up!
- Winnebago County on high alert
- 2018 Wisconsin Fall Election – Uncontested Seats
- 2025-26 Democratic Assembly Leadership Elected
- 2025-26 Democratic Senate Leadership Elected
- AD 11 Primary: Taylor (D) vs Heredia (D)
- AD 12: Russell Goodwin (D) vs Deanna Alexander (I)
- AD 19 Primary: Clancy (D) vs Anderson (D)
- AD 40: DeSanto (D) vs Helmer (R)
- AD 42: McCarville (D) vs Witherspoon (R)
- AD 47 Primary: Maldonado (D) vs Udell (D)
- AD 48: Andrew Hysell (D) vs Lisa Rubrich (R)
- AD 5: Karen Kirsch (D) vs Lee Whiting (R)
- AD 50: Jenna Jacobson (D) vs Richard Johnson (R)
- AD 64: Incumbent McGuire (D) vs Hibsch (R)
- AD 73: Angela Stroud (D) vs Frank Kostka (R)
- AD 77: Renuka Mayadev (D) is Unopposed
- AD 8 Primary: Ortiz-Velez (D) vs Murguia (D)
- AD 9: Priscilla Prado (D) vs Ryan Antczak (R)
- Assembly District 42 chases off the GOP
- Assembly Rep. Gordon Hintz Townhall March 19 Cancelled
- Can Goyke find his Republican? Vos, Loudenbeck and Kerkman “Just Say No”
- Candidates Start to File in Assembly District 89 Special Election
- Conley (D) in AD 44 retires, Roe and Myers announce
- Dave Considine (D) retires, DeSanto, Cook and Kunicki announce
- Democrats Fred Kessler and LaKeshia Myers marijuana statements
- Democrats Spreitzer and Ringhand hold online listening session April 1
- Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
- Executive Summary: Wisconsin Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide
- Gordon Hintz hands down sentence of 6 months to 10 years for marijuana
- Kalan Haywood campaign statements on marijuana
- Melissa Agard honored with Cannabis Reform Advocacy Award
- Rep. Billings should be more supportive of marijuana reform
- Rep. Neubauer: Statement on Governor Evers’ plan to legalize medical marijuana and decriminalize marijuana
- Rep. Snodgrass receives Cannabis Legislation Leader Award
- Rep. Spreitzer and Sen. Ringhand Announce Brodhead Listening Session Feb 4
- Round Table Discussion in West Allis – Marijuana Legalization
- Senate 16: Agard (D) leaves and Ratcliff (D) enters
- Smoke The Vote: Governor Evers, Grade B+
- Special Election Candidate Pete Adams (D) receives A+ Grade
- State balks at legalizing marijuana and Rep. McGuire could tip the committee
- Tip McGuire campaign statements on marijuana laws
- Wisconsin 2021-22 State Assembly and Senate marijuana support graphs
- Wisconsin Legislative Scorecard 2017
- Wisconsin State Senate Candidates Supporting Legalization of Marijuana
Dodge County
- AD 37 Primary : Born (R) vs Rydzewski (R); Bates awaits
- AD 48: Andrew Hysell (D) vs Lisa Rubrich (R)
- Congress: Three Democrats race to face Fitzgerald
- Michael Schraa from Oshkosh co-authors Republican medical marijuana legislation.
- One Republican Stands out in the Assembly District 37 Primary
- Pfannerstill vs Dittrich Primary Election
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Republican Assembly Rep John Jagler swayed to YES on medical marijuana
- Republican Assembly Rep. Mark Born co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Jon Plumer 2019 Spring Survey Marijuana Question Results
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 16: Agard (D) leaves and Ratcliff (D) enters
- Senator Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) Spring Listening Sessions
- Special Election Candidate Pete Adams (D) receives A+ Grade
- Special Election Candidate William Penterman (R) Plays politics with pot
- Todd Menzel (R) 13th Senate District: Cannabis Questionnaire
Dunn County
- AD 92: Clint Moses (R) vs Joe Plouff (D)
- AD 93 Primary: Phelps (D) vs Butler (D), Rolbiecki (R) on deck
- AD 93: Christian Phelps (D) vs James Rolbiecki (R)
- Caden Berg (D) and Joe Plouff (D) want to challenge Rep. Clint Moses (R)
- Incumbent Republican Stafsholt indicates supporting medical marijuana
- Republican Kathleen Bernier hints towards support of recreational and adult use marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Senate 10: Incumbent Stafsholt (R) vs Hambleton (D)
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
Eau Claire County
- AD 93 Primary: Phelps (D) vs Butler (D), Rolbiecki (R) on deck
- AD 93: Christian Phelps (D) vs James Rolbiecki (R)
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Republican Assembly Rep Jesse James co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Kathleen Bernier hints towards support of recreational and adult use marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- 2021-22 Wisconsin Assembly Representatives – Members Occupations
- 2022 Election – Wisconsin Federal Races
- 2022 Election Wisconsin State Assembly
- 2022 Election Wisconsin State Senate
- 2022 State Assembly Candidate Analysis
- 2022 Wisconsin Marijuana Referendums
- Adam Jarchow enters Attorney General Race
- Candidates start to file for Wisconsin Senate 13 Special Election
- Candidates Start to File in Assembly District 89 Special Election
- Democrat Primary August 9th 2022
- Kenosha Residents for Cannabis Reform
- One Republican Stands out in the Assembly District 37 Primary
- Pfaff and Doyle want your vote, but are MIA on legalization
- Potential Outlooks for the Assembly in 2025
- Potential Outlooks for the Senate in 2025
- Rebecca Kleefisch on pot as a potential Gov candidate
- Republican Mullenix will primary Grothman
- Republican Primary August 9th 2022
- Special Election Candidate Pete Adams (D) receives A+ Grade
- Special Election Candidate William Penterman (R) Plays politics with pot
- Special Election in Assembly District 37 requires a special strategy
- Todd Menzel (R) 13th Senate District: Cannabis Questionnaire
- Will Berlin Elect a Cannabis Friendly Mayor
- Wisconsin State Senate Candidates Supporting Legalization of Marijuana
- “From the Land” Event in Green Lake, WI Oct 16th and 17th
- Democratic Party Picnic in Berlin, WI on 9/11
- Jay Selthofner to speak about Hemp at Appleton Garden Conference Event 3/26/22
- League of Women Voters hope for high turn out
- Marijuana Panel Discussion June 28th, 2021
- National Day of Action for Cannabis Clemency
- Pot Panel in Ripon March 2, 2023
- Press Release: Feb 22nd Lobby Day
- Prevention Network of Washington County: Marijuana Education Forum
- Prohibitionist Ben Cort is coming to Lodi, WI
- Thank you candidates and sponsors for the Oct 5th Event
- WiscoCan Lobby Day Feb 22nd 2023
- 1st Annual Wisconsin Hemp Expo in Milwaukee March 9, 2018
- 2019 Joint Fundraiser and Baked Sale
- Assembly Rep Dallman (R-Green Lake) 2021 spring Mobile Office Hours
- Assembly Rep. Gordon Hintz Townhall March 19 Cancelled
- Badger Bounceback Session for Marijuana reform on April 14, 2021
- Cannabis News And Brews planned in Two Rivers on December 14, 2019
- Coffee with Rep. Scott Allen from Waukesha scheduled for March 12th
- Congressman Glenn Grothman April 2024 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Glenn Grothman February 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Glenn Grothman January 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Glenn Grothman March 2020 Town Hall Meetings – Cancelled
- Democrats Spreitzer and Ringhand hold online listening session April 1
- Grass Routes Tour Targets
- Hemp Industries Association welcomes Wisconsin new members
- Informational Flyer for Central US Hemp Growers Conference
- Jay Selthofner to speak about Hemp at Appleton Garden Conference Event 3/26/22
- Pizza, Pot and Politics Event Oct 5th
- Press Release: Forum on Legalizing Marijuana in Wisconsin
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Public Hearings – Budget 2023-25
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep Pat Snyder In District Office Hours Dec 16
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep. Jessie Rodriguez Milw and Oak Creek Listening Sessions
- Rep. Scott Allen (R) Hosts SMART Approach to Marijuana in WI
- Round Table Discussion in West Allis – Marijuana Legalization
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Senator Marklein February 2020 Listening Sessions / Phone Blitz
- Tomah 420 signature drive
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
- Action Alert: Federal Farm Bill / Hemp Amendment
- AG Kaul joins cannabis coalition
- Biden starts the process to address pot
- Cannabis Profiles: US Senator John Thune (R)
- Cannabis Profiles: US Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R)
- Congress: Three Democrats race to face Fitzgerald
- Congressman Van Orden Survey lacks cannabis reform
- MORE ACT: Wisconsin Republicans Just Say NO
- National Day of Action for Cannabis Clemency
- Patients Out of Time: Resolution to De-Schedule Cannabis
- US Senator Wyden Introduces Legislation to Clean Up Hemp Market, Keep Products Out of Kids’ Hands
Federal Legislation
- Action Alert: Federal Farm Bill / Hemp Amendment
- AG Kaul joins cannabis coalition
- Congressman Tiffany blows smoke about cannabis reform
- Federal: Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (CAOA)
- Fitzgerald and Gallagher vote no to medical marijuana research act
- US Senator Wyden Introduces Legislation to Clean Up Hemp Market, Keep Products Out of Kids’ Hands
Florence County
- Florence County Opposition Resolution to state marijuana reform
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 12: Incumbent Felzkowski (R) vs Rich (D)
- Senator Tiffany opposing decriminalization of marijuana
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Fond du Lac County
- Alex Dallman, Green Lake County GOP Chairman Announces Run For 41st State Assembly
- Marijuana referendum on Nov. 6 ballot a no-go for Fond du Lac County residents
- Michael Schraa from Oshkosh co-authors Republican medical marijuana legislation.
- Rep. Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) 2019 Spring Survey Results
- Republican Candidate Tate Barber early marijuana statement
- Republican Jeremy Thiesfeldt 2018 Campaign Statements on Marijuana
- Republican Jon Plumer 2019 Spring Survey Marijuana Question Results
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Michael Schraa 2018 campaign statement on marijuana reform
- Senate 20 Primary: Feyen (R) vs Ramthun (R) with Rapp (D)
- Senator Feyen has conditions for backing medical pot
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- Thiesfeldt opposes legalization, wants FDA approved medical marijuana
Forest County
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Rep. District 36 Jeffrey Mursau Assembly 2019 Marijuana Survey Results
- Representative Jeffrey Mursau Assembly District 36 (R – Crivitz) talks to police about pot
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 12: Incumbent Felzkowski (R) vs Rich (D)
- Senator Tiffany opposing decriminalization of marijuana
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Get Involved
- 2023-24 Decriminalization Bill Circulated for Co-sponsorship
- Contact your Republican Assembly Rep for leadership vote
- Keep bud in the budget and make marijuana reform a priority
- Milwaukee Marijuana Reform Moves Forward
- Pizza, Pot and Politics Event Oct 5th
- Public Hearings – Budget 2023-25
- Support the Resolution to forbid Robin Vos from claiming he supports medical Cannabis
- WI Decriminalization Bill Circulated for Co-sponsorship
- Winter Survey: Is your Elected Official Conducting one?
Grant County
- AD 49 Tranel (R) silent, so is challenger
- AD 49: Travis Tranel (R) vs Scott Walker, MD (D)
- AD 51 Harlow (D) and Grabe (D) race to challenge Novak (R)
- AD 51: Todd Novak (R) vs Elizabeth Garbe (D)
- AD 51: Todd Novak (R) vs Elizabeth Grabe (D)
- Senator Marklein and Rep Kurtz do not understand marijuana reform
- Senator Marklein February 2020 Listening Sessions / Phone Blitz
Green Lake County
- Alex Dallman, Green Lake County GOP Chairman Announces Run For 41st State Assembly
- Council member from Berlin expects high turnout for November meetings
- Rep. Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) 2019 Spring Survey Results
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- Action Alert: Federal Farm Bill / Hemp Amendment
- Industrial Hemp Act of 2023 Introduced
- Jay Selthofner to speak about Hemp at Appleton Garden Conference Event 3/26/22
- US Senator Wyden Introduces Legislation to Clean Up Hemp Market, Keep Products Out of Kids’ Hands
- USDA delays DEA lab requirement for the third time
- Wisconsin hemp day Oct 18th, 2020
How to get active
- 2023-24 Decriminalization Bill Circulated for Co-sponsorship
- A Year in Review – 2024
- Grass Routes Tour Targets
- National Day of Action for Cannabis Clemency
- Pizza, Pot and Politics Event Oct 5th
- WI Decriminalization Bill Circulated for Co-sponsorship
- Wood County For Legalization, call out for local activism
Industrial Hemp
- Clark County Ordinance
- Industrial Hemp Act of 2023 Introduced
- Testin, Kurtz Predict Wisconsin Will Be Top Hemp Producer Within a Decade
- US Senator Wyden Introduces Legislation to Clean Up Hemp Market, Keep Products Out of Kids’ Hands
- USDA delays DEA lab requirement for the third time
- Wisconsin hemp day Oct 18th, 2020
- 2021-22 Wisconsin Assembly Representatives – Members Occupations
- A Year in Review – 2024
- Americans For Safe Access releases Guide to Cannabis Safety
- Educate candidates about laced weed
- Educate your candidates about laced cannabis
- Freshman Republican Assembly Reps 2018 Election and Campaign Statements
- Joint Committee on Finance (JFC) set for 2021-22 Session
- Potential Outlooks for the Assembly in 2025
- Republicans mount attack against Cannabis extracts
- Support the Resolution to forbid Robin Vos from claiming he supports medical Cannabis
- Will Republican committee chairs repeat and kill the pot bills
- Winter Survey: Is your Elected Official Conducting one?
- Wisconsin Justice Initiative Releases 2021 Pot Page
- ‘The Insiders’ discuss Wisconsin tribes’ push to legalize medical marijuana
- 2nd Assembly Candidate Shae Sortwell speaks about marijuana reform
- 4th Assembly District: Marijuana Q&A with Republican David Steffen of Howard
- 6th Assembly District: Q&A with Republican Gary Tauchen of Bonduel
- AD 64: Incumbent McGuire (D) vs Hibsch (R)
- Campaign 2018: Rep. Mary Felzkowski (R) Incumbent Candidate for 35th Assembly District
- Candidate Barbara Dittrich supports CBD but opposes products with THC
- Democrats Fred Kessler and LaKeshia Myers marijuana statements
- Gae Magnafici Discuss Their Views on Various Topics
- Incumbent Assembly Republican Murphy signals support for medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Dale Kooyenga shows sympathy for medical cannabis
- Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Stafsholt indicates supporting medical marijuana
- John Nygren 2019 Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Law Enforcement Officials Call for an End to “The War On Drugs”
- Loren Oldenburg campaign statement on marijuana
- NORML Jay featured on Activist Agenda with Radical Russ Belville
- Rep John Nygren and Sen Alberta Darling gut marijuana reform from budget
- Rep John Nygren does not support marijuana reform under any conditions!
- Rep John Spiros (R-Marshfield) pre-2018 election marijuana Q & A
- Rep. Amy Loudenbeck, R-Clinton open to medical marijuana?
- Rep. Billings should be more supportive of marijuana reform
- Rep. Romaine Quinn co-authors Republican version of medial marijuana for Wisconsin
- Rep. Shae Sortwell leading the way on common sense marijuana reform
- Republican Assembly Rep Jesse James co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Assembly Rep. John Macco calls out Fitzgerald on Medical Marijuana
- Republican Candidate Assembly 28 Gae Magnafici View on Marijuana
- Republican Candidate Jesse James campaign interview supports medical marijuana
- Republican Chuck Wichgers does not support marijuana reform
- Republican Felzkowski Hints at Supporting Decrminalization.
- Republican from Neenah Rohrkaste answers marijuana reform question
- Republican Incumbent John Macco considers medical marijuana
- Republican Jeremy Thiesfeldt 2018 Campaign Statements on Marijuana
- Republican Kathleen Bernier hints towards support of recreational and adult use marijuana
- Republican Michael Schraa 2018 campaign statement on marijuana reform
- Republican Rep. Kerkman statements on marijuana reform
- Republican Tony Kurtz would be open to medical marijuana if hemp ineffective
- Robin Vos still offering lip service and the media lets him lie
- Selthofner Interviewed for Channel 13 WEAU in Eau Claire
- Selthofner scheduled for Joy Cardin Show on Wisconsin Public Radio
- Sen Bewley, Rep Quinn and Rep Milroy Weigh In On Marijuana Legalization
- Senator Marklein and Rep Kurtz do not understand marijuana reform
- Senator Stroebel: “Decriminalization is Legalization”
- State Senate Leaders Fitzgerald (R) and Bewley (D) Reflect on 2019
- The Russ Belville Show #141 – Medical Refugees Flee Wisconsin for Michigan’s UP
- Thiesfeldt opposes legalization, wants FDA approved medical marijuana
- Tip McGuire campaign statements on marijuana laws
- Todd Menzel (R) 13th Senate District: Cannabis Questionnaire
- Tony Kurtz campaign statements on marijuana reform
- Will the real Joel Kitchens please stand up!
Jackson County
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Republican Assembly Rep Jesse James co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Kathleen Bernier hints towards support of recreational and adult use marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Senate 24: Patrick Testin (R) vs Collin McNamara
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Jay Selthofner
- Democrat Primary August 9th 2022
- Jay Selthofner to speak about Hemp at Appleton Garden Conference Event 3/26/22
- Outside the Box with Ben Cominos Interview with Jay Selthofner
- Republican Primary August 9th 2022
- Selthofner Interviewed for Channel 13 WEAU in Eau Claire
- The Russ Belville Show #141 – Medical Refugees Flee Wisconsin for Michigan’s UP
Jefferson County
- AD 43: Scott Johnson (R) vs Brienne Brown (D)
- AD 46: Fitzgerald (D) vs Quimby (R)
- Assembly District 43 Is Missing Who
- Congress: Three Democrats race to face Fitzgerald
- Is Rep Dittrich flip flopping her stance on THC?
- One Republican Stands out in the Assembly District 37 Primary
- Pfannerstill vs Dittrich Primary Election
- Rep. Barbara Dittrich of District 38 2019 Marijuana Survey Question Results
- Republican Assembly Rep John Jagler swayed to YES on medical marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 16: Agard (D) leaves and Ratcliff (D) enters
- Special Election Candidate Pete Adams (D) receives A+ Grade
- Special Election Candidate William Penterman (R) Plays politics with pot
- Todd Menzel (R) 13th Senate District: Cannabis Questionnaire
Juneau County
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley (D)
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 24: Patrick Testin (R) vs Collin McNamara
- Senator Marklein and Rep Kurtz do not understand marijuana reform
- Senator Marklein February 2020 Listening Sessions / Phone Blitz
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Kenosha County
- 2022 Wisconsin Marijuana Referendums
- AD 64: Incumbent McGuire (D) vs Hibsch (R)
- AD 65 Primary: Flood (D) vs DeSmidt (D)
- AD 65: DeSmidt (D) vs Gonzalez (R)
- Kenosha Residents for Cannabis Reform Spring Candidate Guide 2024
- Kenosha Residents On High Alert
- Rep. Samantha Kerkman Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Rep. Kerkman statements on marijuana reform
- State balks at legalizing marijuana and Rep. McGuire could tip the committee
- Tip McGuire campaign statements on marijuana laws
La Crosse County
- AD 94: Incumbent Doyle (D) vs Huebsch (R)
- AD 95: Incumbent Billings (D) vs Schnitzler (R)
- AD 96 Primary: Johnson (D) vs Campbell (D)
- AD 96: Oldenberg (R) vs Johnson
- Can Rep. Steve Doyle defend his turf AD94
- Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
- Rep. Billings should be more supportive of marijuana reform
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 32 Pfaff (D) challenged by Klein (R)
- Top 5 Senate Races of 2024
Langlade County
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Rep. District 36 Jeffrey Mursau Assembly 2019 Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Mary Felzkowski Dec 2019 Tomahawk, Merrill and Antigo Meetings
- Representative Jeffrey Mursau Assembly District 36 (R – Crivitz) talks to police about pot
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Senate 12: Incumbent Felzkowski (R) vs Rich (D)
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
- 2021-22 Wisconsin Assembly Representatives – Members Occupations
- 2025-26 Democratic Assembly Leadership Elected
- 2025-26 Democratic Senate Leadership Elected
- 2025-26 Republican Assembly Leadership Elected
- 2025-26 Republican Senate Leadership Elected
- Cannabis Profiles: US Senator John Thune (R)
- Cannabis Profiles: US Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R)
- Contact your Republican Assembly Rep for leadership vote
- Joint Committee on Finance (JFC) set for 2021-22 Session
- Just Budget and Press Conference and Public Hearing
- Rep. Snodgrass receives Cannabis Legislation Leader Award
- Support the Resolution to forbid Robin Vos from claiming he supports medical Cannabis
- Will Berlin Elect a Cannabis Friendly Mayor
- Wisconsin Cannabis Legislation Meeting Planned for Oct 21, 2012
- Wisconsin Farm Bureau Passes On Pot
- Wisconsin Farmers Union says legalize
- Wisconsin Republican Senate Elects Leadership for 2021-22
- 2021-22 Recreational / Medical Marijuana Bill open for co-sponsorship
- 2021-22 Wisconsin Assembly Representatives – Members Occupations
- 2023-24 Decriminalization Bill Circulated for Co-sponsorship
- 2023-24 Decriminalization Bill Co-Sponsorship Analysis
- AB 772 / SB 702 THC Testing Reform Bill Introduced
- Bi-partisan led decriminalization does not attract Republican co-sponsors
- City of Monona Wisconsin Marijuana Ordinance
- Co-Sponsor LRB 5891 Patient Focused Medical Cannabis
- Co-Sponsorship of LRB-0250/1: Creation of a Medical Marijuana Program
- Decriminalize Marijuana – AB 130 / SB 164
- Executive Summary: Wisconsin Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide
- Gov Evers vetos Republican bad BHO Bill
- Industrial Hemp Act of 2023 Introduced
- Joint Committee on Finance (JFC) set for 2021-22 Session
- Just Budget and Press Conference and Public Hearing
- Kratom bill advances quickly
- Medical Marijuana Bills Co-Sponsorship Analysis
- Medical Marijuana Senate and Assembly Committee Information
- Medical Mushrooms coming soon
- Michael Schraa from Oshkosh co-authors Republican medical marijuana legislation.
- Rep Pat Snyder In District Office Hours Dec 16
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep. Edming Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Gary Tauchen (R-Bonduel) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Patrick Snyder (R-Schofield) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Shae Sortwell leading the way on common sense marijuana reform
- Republican Assembly Rep Jesse James co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Assembly Rep. Shannon Zimmerman District Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Felzkowski Hints at Supporting Decrminalization.
- Republican led medical marijuana bill expected in Wisconsin
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Republicans mount attack against Cannabis extracts
- Republicans present legalization bill, choose wrong plant
- Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237
- Support LRB-3790 to Decriminalize Marijuana in Wisconsin
- The People’s Voice Act – Will the Numbers Add Up?
- WI Decriminalization Bill Circulated for Co-sponsorship
- Will Republican committee chairs repeat and kill the pot bills
- Will Wisconsin allow new smoking establishments in the future?
- Wisconsin Adult Use Cannabis Legislation Introduced for 2023-24
- 2021-22 Wisconsin Assembly Representatives – Members Occupations
- Assembly Rep Dallman (R-Green Lake) 2021 spring Mobile Office Hours
- Contact your Republican Assembly Rep for leadership vote
- Joint Committee on Finance (JFC) set for 2021-22 Session
- Support the Resolution to forbid Robin Vos from claiming he supports medical Cannabis
- Wisconsin 2021-22 State Assembly and Senate marijuana support graphs
- Wisconsin Cannabis Legislation Meeting Planned for Oct 21, 2012
- Wisconsin Republican Senate Elects Leadership for 2021-22
Lincoln County
- AD 35: Callahan (R) vs McCrank (D)
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Rep. Mary Felzkowski Dec 2019 Tomahawk, Merrill and Antigo Meetings
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Senate 12: Incumbent Felzkowski (R) vs Rich (D)
- Senator Tiffany opposing decriminalization of marijuana
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
- 2021-22 Wisconsin Assembly Representatives – Members Occupations
- City of Monona Wisconsin Marijuana Ordinance
- Door County Support for Medical Cannabis Resolution 2018-88
- Executive Summary: Wisconsin Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide
- Freshman Republican Assembly Reps 2018 Election and Campaign Statements
- Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana
- Joint Committee on Finance (JFC) set for 2021-22 Session
- Keep bud in the budget and make marijuana reform a priority
- LEAP Speakers for Wisconsin
- Medical Marijuana Senate and Assembly Committee Information
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Potential Outlooks for the Senate in 2025
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep Mary Felzkowski Medical Marijuana Info
- Rep. Gary Tauchen (R-Bonduel) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Rep. Swearingen visits the Florence County Sheriff to talk Marijuana
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Rep. Tittl, Sen. LeMahieu Listening Sessions in Manitowoc and Chilton Nov 4
- Republican Assembly Rep. Shannon Zimmerman District Marijuana Survey Results
- Republicans mount attack against Cannabis extracts
- Robin Vos still offering lip service and the media lets him lie
- Sen Bewley, Rep Quinn and Rep Milroy Weigh In On Marijuana Legalization
- Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237
- Support the Resolution to forbid Robin Vos from claiming he supports medical Cannabis
- Will Republican committee chairs repeat and kill the pot bills
- Wisconsin Family Action Lobbying Against Marijuana Reform
- Wisconsin Farm Bureau Passes On Pot
- Wisconsin Farmers Union says legalize
- virtual luncheons should address marijuana reform
Manitowoc County
- AD 2: Sortwell (R) vs Saunders (D)
- AD 27: Lindee Brill (R) vs Kay Ladson (D)
- AD3 Tusler vs Bodden primary, who to face winner?
- Cannabis News And Brews planned in Two Rivers on December 14, 2019
- Congressman Glenn Grothman April 2024 Town Hall Meetings
- Howards Grove, Cedar Grove and Sheboygan Listening Session Nov 4
- Rep. Shae Sortwell De Pere Listening Session March 9
- Rep. Shae Sortwell leading the way on common sense marijuana reform
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Rep. Tittl, Sen. LeMahieu Listening Sessions in Manitowoc and Chilton Nov 4
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Will Paul Tittl (R) face a primary challenger
Marathon County
- 85 & 87 Assembly District and Snyder (R) moves
- AD 35: Callahan (R) vs McCrank (D)
- AD 85: Patrick Snyder (R) vs Yee Leng Xiong (D)
- AD 86 Primary: Spiros (R), Rozar (R), Spindler (R)
- AD 86: Incumbent John Spiros (R) vs John Small (D)
- Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep Pat Snyder In District Office Hours Dec 16
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep. Patrick Snyder (R-Schofield) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Kathleen Bernier hints towards support of recreational and adult use marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Senate 12: Incumbent Felzkowski (R) vs Rich (D)
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Wisconsin County Marijuana Referendum July 2018 Meeting Dates
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Marijuana Reform
- City of Monona Wisconsin Marijuana Ordinance
- Medical Marijuana Senate and Assembly Committee Information
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep. Shae Sortwell leading the way on common sense marijuana reform
- Republican Assembly Rep. Shannon Zimmerman District Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Zimmerman and Stafsholt hash out marijuana reform
- Senator Stroebel: “Decriminalization is Legalization”
- Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237
- Will Republican committee chairs repeat and kill the pot bills
Marinette County
- Candidates Start to File in Assembly District 89 Special Election
- Rep John Nygren does not support marijuana reform under any conditions!
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Rep. District 36 Jeffrey Mursau Assembly 2019 Marijuana Survey Results
- Representative Jeffrey Mursau Assembly District 36 (R – Crivitz) talks to police about pot
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 12: Incumbent Felzkowski (R) vs Rich (D)
- Senator Tiffany opposing decriminalization of marijuana
Medical Cannabis
- 11 Years Since a Public Hearing Held in Wisconsin on Medical Cannabis
- Americans For Safe Access releases Guide to Cannabis Safety
- Bipartisan Medical Cannabis Bill Introduced
- Campaign 2018: Rep. Mary Felzkowski (R) Incumbent Candidate for 35th Assembly District
- Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Stafsholt indicates supporting medical marijuana
- LRB-2858/1: relating to: medical cannabis, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
- Medical Marijuana Senate and Assembly Committee Information
- Medical Marijuana stalled by Wisconsin Republicans again in 2017
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep. Edming Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Romaine Quinn co-authors Republican version of medial marijuana for Wisconsin
- Rep. Shae Sortwell leading the way on common sense marijuana reform
- Republican Assembly Rep John Jagler swayed to YES on medical marijuana
- Republican Assembly Rep. Shannon Zimmerman District Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Felzkowski Hints at Supporting Decrminalization.
- Republican led medical marijuana bill expected in Wisconsin
- Republican legislation has been pre-filed for the 2020 legislative session
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Republican Zimmerman and Stafsholt hash out marijuana reform
- SB507 / AB570 Medical Marijuana Legislation for 2019-20
Medical Marijuana
- ‘The Insiders’ discuss Wisconsin tribes’ push to legalize medical marijuana
- 11 Years Since a Public Hearing Held in Wisconsin on Medical Cannabis
- 2017-2018 Medical Marijuana Hopes Killed by Wisconsin Republicans
- Americans For Safe Access releases Guide to Cannabis Safety
- Bipartisan Medical Cannabis Bill Introduced
- Campaign 2018: Rep. Mary Felzkowski (R) Incumbent Candidate for 35th Assembly District
- Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Stafsholt indicates supporting medical marijuana
- LRB-2858/1: relating to: medical cannabis, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
- Medical Marijuana Senate and Assembly Committee Information
- Medical Marijuana stalled by Wisconsin Republicans again in 2017
- NORML Jay featured on Activist Agenda with Radical Russ Belville
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep. Edming Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Patrick Snyder (R-Schofield) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Shae Sortwell leading the way on common sense marijuana reform
- Republican Assembly Rep John Jagler swayed to YES on medical marijuana
- Republican Assembly Rep. Shannon Zimmerman District Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Felzkowski Hints at Supporting Decrminalization.
- Republican led medical marijuana bill expected in Wisconsin
- Republican legislation has been pre-filed for the 2020 legislative session
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Republican Zimmerman and Stafsholt hash out marijuana reform
- SB507 / AB570 Medical Marijuana Legislation for 2019-20
- Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237
- Assembly Rep. Gordon Hintz Townhall March 19 Cancelled
- Cannabis News And Brews planned in Two Rivers on December 14, 2019
- Coffee with Rep. Scott Allen from Waukesha scheduled for March 12th
- Democrats Spreitzer and Ringhand hold online listening session April 1
- Is Rep Dittrich flip flopping her stance on THC?
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep. Jessie Rodriguez Milw and Oak Creek Listening Sessions
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Rep. Mary Felzkowski Dec 2019 Tomahawk, Merrill and Antigo Meetings
- Rep. Shae Sortwell De Pere Listening Session March 9
- Rep. Shae Sortwell leading the way on common sense marijuana reform
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Republican Assembly Rep John Jagler swayed to YES on medical marijuana
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Senator Marklein February 2020 Listening Sessions / Phone Blitz
- virtual luncheons should address marijuana reform
Menomoniee County
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Representative Jeffrey Mursau Assembly District 36 (R – Crivitz) talks to police about pot
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 2: Kelly Peterson (D) vs Eric Wimberger (R)
- Senator Tiffany opposing decriminalization of marijuana
Milwaukee County
- 2022 Wisconsin Marijuana Referendums
- AD 11 Primary: Taylor (D) vs Heredia (D)
- AD 12 Will Williford go unchallenged in the primary
- AD 12: Russell Goodwin (D) vs Deanna Alexander (I)
- AD 13 Primary: Michalski (R) vs Granger (R), winner to face Vining (D)
- AD 14: Tenorio (D) vs Engstrand (R) vs Shevey (I)
- AD 19 Primary: Clancy (D) vs Anderson (D)
- AD 21: Jessie Rodriguez (R) Assembly seat in jeopardy
- AD 21: Jessie Rodriguez (R) vs David Marstellar (D)
- AD 5: Karen Kirsch (D) vs Lee Whiting (R)
- AD 61: LuAnn Bird (D) vs Bob Donovan (R)
- AD 8 Primary: Ortiz-Velez (D) vs Murguia (D)
- AD 9: Priscilla Prado (D) vs Ryan Antczak (R)
- Bird (D) vs Donovan (R) in 61st AD rematch
- Brady Coulthard (D) – Assembly District 14
- Congress: Three Democrats race to face Fitzgerald
- Is Senator darling pulling a robin vos or just wrong about marijuana
- Milwaukee Marijuana Reform Moves Forward
- Radical Rant – The Drug War Racial Disparity in Pictures with Wisconsin Example
- Rep. Jessie Rodriguez Milw and Oak Creek Listening Sessions
- Republican Chuck Wichgers does not support marijuana reform
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Round Table Discussion in West Allis – Marijuana Legalization
- SE Wisconsin NORML meets Nov 19th at Brewed Cafe in Milwaukee
Monroe County
- AD 95: Incumbent Billings (D) vs Schnitzler (R)
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 24: Patrick Testin (R) vs Collin McNamara
- Senate 32 Pfaff (D) challenged by Klein (R)
- Top 5 Senate Races of 2024
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
- ‘The Insiders’ discuss Wisconsin tribes’ push to legalize medical marijuana
- 11 Years Since a Public Hearing Held in Wisconsin on Medical Cannabis
- 1st Annual Wisconsin Hemp Expo in Milwaukee March 9, 2018
- 2020 Republican State Assembly Candidates Supporting Legalization of Marijuana
- 2020 Wisconsin Hemp hero awards
- 2020 Wisconsin State Assembly
- 2021-22 Wisconsin Assembly Representatives – Members Occupations
- 2021-22 Wisconsin state Senate – Members occupations
- 2022 Election – Wisconsin Federal Races
- 2022 Election Wisconsin State Assembly
- 2022 Election Wisconsin State Senate
- 2022 Fall Referendum Results
- 2022 State Senate Candidate Analysis
- 2022 Wisconsin Marijuana Referendums
- 2022 Wisconsin Uncontested Races
- 2023-24 Decriminalization Bill Circulated for Co-sponsorship
- 2025-26 Democratic Assembly Leadership Elected
- 2025-26 Democratic Senate Leadership Elected
- 2025-26 Republican Assembly Leadership Elected
- 2025-26 Republican Senate Leadership Elected
- 85 & 87 Assembly District and Snyder (R) moves
- 88th Assembly District becomes competitive
- ACLU of Wisconsin Candidate Questionnaires
- AD 11 Primary: Taylor (D) vs Heredia (D)
- AD 12: Russell Goodwin (D) vs Deanna Alexander (I)
- AD 13 Primary: Michalski (R) vs Granger (R), winner to face Vining (D)
- AD 14: Tenorio (D) vs Engstrand (R) vs Shevey (I)
- AD 15: Adam Neylon (R) vs Sarah Harrison (D)
- AD 2: Sortwell (R) vs Saunders (D)
- AD 21: Jessie Rodriguez (R) Assembly seat in jeopardy
- AD 21: Jessie Rodriguez (R) vs David Marstellar (D)
- AD 26: Amy Binsfeld (R) vs Joe Sheehan (D)
- AD 30: Zimmerman (R) vs Page (D)
- AD 31: August (R) vs Henderson (D)
- AD 33: Robin Vos (R), Kelly Clark (I), Alan Kupsik (D)
- AD 34: Rob Swearingen (R) vs Dennis Nitzel (D)
- AD 35: Callahan (R) vs McCrank (D)
- AD 39: Chris Gordon (D) vs Alex Dallman (R)
- AD 4 and 6 Behnke, Steffen, Schmidt and let’s go Benson!
- AD 40: DeSanto (D) vs Helmer (R)
- AD 42: McCarville (D) vs Witherspoon (R)
- AD 43: Scott Johnson (R) vs Brienne Brown (D)
- AD 46: Fitzgerald (D) vs Quimby (R)
- AD 47 Primary: Maldonado (D) vs Udell (D)
- AD 48: Andrew Hysell (D) vs Lisa Rubrich (R)
- AD 5 Sampson (D) to challenge Goeben (R)
- AD 5: Karen Kirsch (D) vs Lee Whiting (R)
- AD 50: Jenna Jacobson (D) vs Richard Johnson (R)
- AD 51 Harlow (D) and Grabe (D) race to challenge Novak (R)
- AD 51: Todd Novak (R) vs Elizabeth Garbe (D)
- AD 51: Todd Novak (R) vs Elizabeth Grabe (D)
- AD 52: Incumbent Lee Snodgrass (D) vs Chad Cooke (R)
- AD 54: Incumbent Lori Palmeri (D) vs Tim Paterson
- AD 55 Primary: Gustafson (R), Schraa (R) and Kehoe (D)
- AD 55: Gustafson (R) vs Kehoe (D)
- AD 56: David “Kratom” Murphy (R) vs Emily Tseffos (D)
- AD 57 Primary: Peterson (R) vs Wilson (R), Caves (D) and Testin (I) on deck
- AD 58: Rick Gundrum (R) vs Deb Anderson (D)
- AD 61: LuAnn Bird (D) vs Bob Donovan (R)
- AD 65 Primary: Flood (D) vs DeSmidt (D)
- AD 65: DeSmidt (D) vs Gonzalez (R)
- AD 66: Incumbent Neubauer (D) vs DeGroot (R)
- AD 71: Miresse (D) vs Pahmeier (R)
- AD 73: Angela Stroud (D) vs Frank Kostka (R)
- AD 74: Chanz Green (R) vs Jeanne Bruce (D)
- AD 75: Duke Tucker (R) vs Jane Kleiss (D)
- AD 77: Renuka Mayadev (D) is Unopposed
- AD 8 Primary: Ortiz-Velez (D) vs Murguia (D)
- AD 85: Patrick Snyder (R) vs Yee Leng Xiong (D)
- AD 86 Primary: Spiros (R), Rozar (R), Spindler (R)
- AD 86: Incumbent John Spiros (R) vs John Small (D)
- AD 88: Welch (D) vs Franklin (R)
- AD 89: Ryan Spaude (D) vs Patrick Buckley (R)
- AD 9: Priscilla Prado (D) vs Ryan Antczak (R)
- AD 90: Amaad Rivera Wagner (D) vs Jessica Henderson (R)
- AD 92: Clint Moses (R) vs Joe Plouff (D)
- AD 94: Incumbent Doyle (D) vs Huebsch (R)
- AD 95: Incumbent Billings (D) vs Schnitzler (R)
- AD 96 Primary: Johnson (D) vs Campbell (D)
- AD 96: Oldenberg (R) vs Johnson
- AD 98 Primary: Pridemore (R), Piwowarczyk (R), Schmechel (D)
- AD3 Tusler vs Bodden primary, who to face winner?
- Alex Dallman, Green Lake County GOP Chairman Announces Run For 41st State Assembly
- All eyes on these Republicans in 2023
- Americans For Safe Access releases Guide to Cannabis Safety
- Assembly District 26 in Sheboygan up for grabs
- Assembly District 42 chases off the GOP
- Assembly District 43 Is Missing Who
- Assembly Rep Dallman (R-Green Lake) 2021 spring Mobile Office Hours
- Assembly Rep. Barbara Dittrich Daughter faces charges
- Assembly Rep. Gordon Hintz Townhall March 19 Cancelled
- Berlin moves to ban Delta 8 THC
- Bi-partisan led decriminalization does not attract Republican co-sponsors
- Biden starts the process to address pot
- Bipartisan Medical Cannabis Bill Introduced
- Bird (D) vs Donovan (R) in 61st AD rematch
- Brady Coulthard (D) – Assembly District 14
- Caden Berg (D) and Joe Plouff (D) want to challenge Rep. Clint Moses (R)
- Can Goyke find his Republican? Vos, Loudenbeck and Kerkman “Just Say No”
- Can Rep. Steve Doyle defend his turf AD94
- Candidates start to file for Wisconsin Senate 13 Special Election
- Candidates Start to File in Assembly District 89 Special Election
- Cannabis News And Brews planned in Two Rivers on December 14, 2019
- Cannabis Profiles: US Senator John Thune (R)
- City of Antigo passes ordinance to decriminalize small amount of marijuana
- City of Appleton lowers marijuana fines
- City of Berlin discusses legalizing recreational marijuana
- Clark County Ordinance
- Congress: Three Democrats race to face Fitzgerald
- Congressman Bryan Steil Listening Session
- Conley (D) in AD 44 retires, Roe and Myers announce
- Dave Considine (D) retires, DeSanto, Cook and Kunicki announce
- Decriminalization bill just introduced
- Democrat Rep. Gordon Hintz statements about cannabis reform
- Democrats Fred Kessler and LaKeshia Myers marijuana statements
- Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
- Erpenbach backs the bud, moving from medical to recreational backer
- Evers proposes legalizing marijuana in Wisconsin
- Executive Summary: Wisconsin Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide
- Frank Buress: A Tribute to a Tireless Advocate
- Gordon Hintz hands down sentence of 6 months to 10 years for marijuana
- Gov Evers ballot initiative special session
- Grass Routes Tour Targets
- Green Bay & AD 90 will get new face
- Help needed: Candidate Research and Data Entry
- Incumbent Assembly Republican Murphy signals support for medical marijuana
- Incumbent overlap under new maps
- Incumbent Republican Dale Kooyenga shows sympathy for medical cannabis
- Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Stafsholt indicates supporting medical marijuana
- Is Personal Bias the main Lobbying Force Against Marijuana Reform
- Is Senator darling pulling a robin vos or just wrong about marijuana
- Is Shannon Zimmerman (R) Safe in AD30
- Joint Committee on Finance (JFC) set for 2021-22 Session
- Just Budget and Press Conference and Public Hearing
- Keep bud in the budget and make marijuana reform a priority
- Kenosha Residents for Cannabis Reform Spring Candidate Guide 2024
- Kenosha Residents On High Alert
- LEAP Speakers for Wisconsin
- Legislative candidates Swearingen, Meier, emphasize differences
- LRB-2858/1: relating to: medical cannabis, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
- LTE: Duane Shukoski is right for AD 53
- Magnafici retires, Duke and Kline announce
- Marijuana Banking issues make the way to wisconsin legislators
- Marijuana referendum on Nov. 6 ballot a no-go for Fond du Lac County residents
- Marijuana Report on the Senators Up For Election in 2022
- Marijuana: Legalize It or Criticize It? Ripon College Live Event
- Marklein, Tranel, Kurtz and Novak Listening Sessions
- Medical Mushrooms coming soon
- Melissa Agard honored with Cannabis Reform Advocacy Award
- Michael Schraa from Oshkosh co-authors Republican medical marijuana legislation.
- MORE ACT: Wisconsin Republicans Just Say NO
- National Day of Action for Cannabis Clemency
- New 89th Assembly District Competitive
- NORML Smoke the Vote Guide Inaccurate
- One Republican Stands out in the Assembly District 37 Primary
- Oshkosh and Appleton local candidates receive high grades from Wi-Can
- Oshkosh lowers fine for pot possession
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Pfannerstill vs Dittrich Primary Election
- Pizza, Pot and Politics Event Oct 5th
- Pot Panel in Ripon March 2, 2023
- Potential Outlooks for the Assembly in 2025
- Potential Outlooks for the Senate in 2025
- Press Release: 2024 Election Coverage
- Press Release: Forum on Legalizing Marijuana in Wisconsin
- Primary Battles of the 2024 Election
- Push of illegal drug made in effort to help treat post-traumatic stress
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep Gae Magnafici Assembly District 28 Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep John Spiros (R-Marshfield) pre-2018 election marijuana Q & A
- Rep Krug and Snyder hint of Republican medical marijuana bill this session
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Rep Pat Snyder In District Office Hours Dec 16
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep Romaine Quinn (R-Barron) Spring Survey Results
- Rep Romaine Quinn (R-Barron) Spring Survey Results
- Rep Zimmerman shuts down marijuana legislation prior to introduction
- Rep. Billings should be more supportive of marijuana reform
- Rep. Calvin Callahan (R) first marijuana opinion presented
- Rep. District 36 Jeffrey Mursau Assembly 2019 Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Edming Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Rep. Mary Felzkowski Dec 2019 Tomahawk, Merrill and Antigo Meetings
- Rep. Romaine Quinn co-authors Republican version of medial marijuana for Wisconsin
- Rep. Scott Allen (R) Hosts SMART Approach to Marijuana in WI
- Rep. Shae Sortwell leading the way on common sense marijuana reform
- Rep. Snodgrass receives Cannabis Legislation Leader Award
- Rep. Swearingen visits the Florence County Sheriff to talk Marijuana
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Rep. Tittl, Sen. LeMahieu Listening Sessions in Manitowoc and Chilton Nov 4
- Representative Jeffrey Mursau Assembly District 36 (R – Crivitz) talks to police about pot
- Representative Scott Allen Circulates Letter Advocating Cannabis Research
- Republican 2021 Spring Survey lacks marijuana reform
- Republican Assembly Rep Jesse James co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Assembly Rep John Jagler swayed to YES on medical marijuana
- Republican Assembly Rep. John Macco calls out Fitzgerald on Medical Marijuana
- Republican Assembly Rep. Mark Born co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Candidate Assembly 28 Gae Magnafici View on Marijuana
- Republican Candidate Jesse James campaign interview supports medical marijuana
- Republican Candidate Tate Barber early marijuana statement
- Republican Chuck Wichgers does not support marijuana reform
- Republican Felzkowski Hints at Supporting Decrminalization.
- Republican Incumbent John Macco considers medical marijuana
- Republican Jeremy Thiesfeldt 2018 Campaign Statements on Marijuana
- Republican Kathleen Bernier hints towards support of recreational and adult use marijuana
- Republican led medical marijuana bill expected in Wisconsin
- Republican legislation has been pre-filed for the 2020 legislative session
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Republican Zimmerman and Stafsholt hash out marijuana reform
- Republicans mount attack against Cannabis extracts
- Republicans Steineke, Murphy and Rohrkaste chime in on medical marijuana
- Rhinelander leader Rep Rob Swearingen weigh in on governor’s proposed marijuana reforms
- Rob Swearingen and the Tavern League playing ball
- Robin Vos still offering lip service and the media lets him lie
- Round Table Discussion in West Allis – Marijuana Legalization
- Route 51 explores the marijuana controversy
- SB507 / AB570 Medical Marijuana Legislation for 2019-20
- Selthofner Interviewed for Channel 13 WEAU in Eau Claire
- Selthofner scheduled for Joy Cardin Show on Wisconsin Public Radio
- Senate 12: Incumbent Felzkowski (R) vs Rich (D)
- Senate 14: Ballweg (R) vs Keyeski (D)
- Senate 18: Alfheim (D) Carman (D) Phillips (R) Yang (R)
- Senate 20 Primary: Feyen (R) vs Ramthun (R) with Rapp (D)
- Senate 28: Bradley (R) vs Lach (D)
- Senate 8: Stroebel (R) vs Habush Sinykin (D)
- Senate Districts not up for election in 2024
- Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu, the pot stops here, maybe…..
- Senator Agard Retires, who will lead?
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Senator Feyen has conditions for backing medical pot
- Senator Marklein and Rep Kurtz do not understand marijuana reform
- Senator Marklein February 2020 Listening Sessions / Phone Blitz
- Senator Nass (R) and Stroebel (R) Vote NO to Industrial Hemp
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- Senator Roger Roth (R) Softens Stance On Medical Marijuana
- Senator Tiffany opposing decriminalization of marijuana
- Senator Wimberger Listening Session
- Special Election Candidate Pete Adams (D) receives A+ Grade
- Special Election Candidate William Penterman (R) Plays politics with pot
- Special Election in Assembly District 37 requires a special strategy
- Spiteful Senator Andre Jacque
- State balks at legalizing marijuana and Rep. McGuire could tip the committee
- State Senate Leaders Fitzgerald (R) and Bewley (D) Reflect on 2019
- Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237
- Support the Resolution to forbid Robin Vos from claiming he supports medical Cannabis
- Survey: Employers’ Attitudes Shifting Regarding Drug Testing for Cannabis
- Testin, Kurtz Predict Wisconsin Will Be Top Hemp Producer Within a Decade
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Ellis Dee Smoke Shop
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Thumb Alternatives
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Web Design, serving the USA
- The People’s Voice Act – Will the Numbers Add Up?
- The Russ Belville Show #108 – Doobies, Driving & Drug Testing
- The Russ Belville Show #141 – Medical Refugees Flee Wisconsin for Michigan’s UP
- Thiesfeldt opposes legalization, wants FDA approved medical marijuana
- Thousands turn out for first Wisconsin Cannabis Expo in Milwaukee
- Tiffany March 21 in Cadott, Chippewa County
- Todd Menzel (R) 13th Senate District: Cannabis Questionnaire
- Top 5 Senate Races of 2024
- Top Ten Assembly Races in 2024
- USDA delays DEA lab requirement for the third time
- Was Democrat Senator Janet Bewley right or wrong on marijuana reform
- Wauwatosa rejects citizens wants
- WI Decriminalization Bill Circulated for Co-sponsorship
- Will Berlin Elect a Cannabis Friendly Mayor
- Will Paul Tittl (R) face a primary challenger
- Will Republican committee chairs repeat and kill the pot bills
- Will the real Joel Kitchens please stand up!
- Winnebago County considers reducing marijuana fine to just $1
- Winnebago County on high alert
- WiscoCan Lobby Day Feb 22nd 2023
- Wisconsin 2021-22 State Assembly and Senate marijuana support graphs
- Wisconsin Cannabis Legislation Meeting Planned for Oct 21, 2012
- Wisconsin County Marijuana Referendum July 2018 Meeting Dates
- Wisconsin Farm Bureau Passes On Pot
- Wisconsin Farmers Union says legalize
- Wisconsin hemp day Oct 18th, 2020
- Wisconsin Republican Senate Elects Leadership for 2021-22
- Wisconsin State Senate Candidates Supporting Legalization of Marijuana
- WisconsinEye Candidate Interviews Lack Marijuana Question
- Wood County For Legalization, call out for local activism
- Wood County Spring 2019 Marijuana Referendum Results
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
News Articles
- ‘The Insiders’ discuss Wisconsin tribes’ push to legalize medical marijuana
- Assembly Rep. Barbara Dittrich Daughter faces charges
- Evers proposes legalizing marijuana in Wisconsin
- Winnebago County considers reducing marijuana fine to just $1
- Wisconsin Farmers Union says legalize
- Wisconsin State Senate Candidates Supporting Legalization of Marijuana
- 6th Assembly District: Q&A with Republican Gary Tauchen of Bonduel
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Representative Jeffrey Mursau Assembly District 36 (R – Crivitz) talks to police about pot
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senator Tiffany opposing decriminalization of marijuana
Oneida County
- AD 34: Rob Swearingen (R) vs Dennis Nitzel (D)
- AD 35: Callahan (R) vs McCrank (D)
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Senate 12: Incumbent Felzkowski (R) vs Rich (D)
- Senator Tiffany opposing decriminalization of marijuana
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
- ‘The Insiders’ discuss Wisconsin tribes’ push to legalize medical marijuana
- Educate candidates about laced weed
- Educate your candidates about laced cannabis
- Egg Harbor, Sturgeon Bay approve marijuana referendum questions
- Is Personal Bias the main Lobbying Force Against Marijuana Reform
- Paul Armentano: Wisconsin’s marijuana impairment laws need a fix
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Rep. Swearingen visits the Florence County Sheriff to talk Marijuana
- State balks at legalizing marijuana and Rep. McGuire could tip the committee
- Support the Resolution to forbid Robin Vos from claiming he supports medical Cannabis
- The Russ Belville Show #108 – Doobies, Driving & Drug Testing
- ACLU of Wisconsin Candidate Questionnaires
- Just Budget and Press Conference and Public Hearing
- National Day of Action for Cannabis Clemency
- Patients Out of Time: Resolution to De-Schedule Cannabis
- Wisconsin Farmers Union says legalize
- Wisconsin Justice Initiative Releases 2021 Pot Page
- Wood County For Legalization, call out for local activism
Outagamie County
- 2022 Wisconsin Marijuana Referendums
- 53rd Assembly District Analysis
- 6th Assembly District: Q&A with Republican Gary Tauchen of Bonduel
- AD 2: Sortwell (R) vs Saunders (D)
- AD 5 Sampson (D) to challenge Goeben (R)
- AD 52: Incumbent Lee Snodgrass (D) vs Chad Cooke (R)
- AD 53: Shukoski (D) vs Kaufert (R)
- AD 55 Primary: Gustafson (R), Schraa (R) and Kehoe (D)
- AD 55: Gustafson (R) vs Kehoe (D)
- AD 56: David “Kratom” Murphy (R) vs Emily Tseffos (D)
- AD 57 Primary: Peterson (R) vs Wilson (R), Caves (D) and Testin (I) on deck
- City of Appleton lowers marijuana fines
- Incumbent Assembly Republican Murphy signals support for medical marijuana
- LTE: Duane Shukoski is right for AD 53
- Pizza, Pot and Politics Event Oct 5th
- Rep. Gary Tauchen (R-Bonduel) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Snodgrass receives Cannabis Legislation Leader Award
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republicans Steineke, Murphy and Rohrkaste chime in on medical marijuana
- Senate 18: Alfheim (D) Carman (D) Phillips (R) Yang (R)
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- Senator Roger Roth 2018 Marijuana Statements
- Senator Roger Roth rejects facts about marijuana
- Senator Roth ignores 20 years of marijuana data and insists on 10 more
- Top 5 Senate Races of 2024
- 11 Years Since a Public Hearing Held in Wisconsin on Medical Cannabis
- 2017-2018 Medical Marijuana Hopes Killed by Wisconsin Republicans
- 2018 Wisconsin Fall Election – Uncontested Seats
- 2021-22 Wisconsin Assembly Representatives – Members Occupations
- 2nd Assembly Candidate Shae Sortwell speaks about marijuana reform
- 6th Assembly District: Q&A with Republican Gary Tauchen of Bonduel
- AD 64: Incumbent McGuire (D) vs Hibsch (R)
- Bi-partisan led decriminalization does not attract Republican co-sponsors
- Bipartisan Medical Cannabis Bill Introduced
- Campaign 2018: Rep. Mary Felzkowski (R) Incumbent Candidate for 35th Assembly District
- Candidate Barbara Dittrich supports CBD but opposes products with THC
- Congressman Glenn Grothman February 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Glenn Grothman January 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Glenn Grothman March 2020 Town Hall Meetings – Cancelled
- Council member from Berlin expects high turnout for November meetings
- Democrat Rep. Gordon Hintz statements about cannabis reform
- Democrats Fred Kessler and LaKeshia Myers marijuana statements
- Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
- Door County Support for Medical Cannabis Resolution 2018-88
- Executive Summary: Wisconsin Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide
- Florence County Opposition Resolution to state marijuana reform
- Incumbent Assembly Republican Murphy signals support for medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Dale Kooyenga shows sympathy for medical cannabis
- Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Stafsholt indicates supporting medical marijuana
- Is Rep Dittrich flip flopping her stance on THC?
- Is Senator darling pulling a robin vos or just wrong about marijuana
- John Nygren 2019 Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Joint Committee on Finance (JFC) set for 2021-22 Session
- Legislative candidates Swearingen, Meier, emphasize differences
- Medical Marijuana Senate and Assembly Committee Information
- Medical Marijuana stalled by Wisconsin Republicans again in 2017
- Michael Schraa from Oshkosh co-authors Republican medical marijuana legislation.
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Potential Outlooks for the Assembly in 2025
- Potential Outlooks for the Senate in 2025
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep Gae Magnafici Assembly District 28 Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep John Nygren and Sen Alberta Darling gut marijuana reform from budget
- Rep John Nygren does not support marijuana reform under any conditions!
- Rep John Spiros (R-Marshfield) pre-2018 election marijuana Q & A
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Rep Pat Snyder In District Office Hours Dec 16
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep Romaine Quinn (R-Barron) Spring Survey Results
- Rep Romaine Quinn (R-Barron) Spring Survey Results
- Rep. Edming Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Gary Tauchen (R-Bonduel) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) Fall Survey
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Rep. Mary Felzkowski Dec 2019 Tomahawk, Merrill and Antigo Meetings
- Rep. Romaine Quinn co-authors Republican version of medial marijuana for Wisconsin
- Rep. Shae Sortwell De Pere Listening Session March 9
- Rep. Shae Sortwell leading the way on common sense marijuana reform
- Rep. Swearingen visits the Florence County Sheriff to talk Marijuana
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Republican Assembly Rep Jesse James co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Assembly Rep. Shannon Zimmerman District Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Candidate Assembly 28 Gae Magnafici View on Marijuana
- Republican Candidate Jesse James campaign interview supports medical marijuana
- Republican Candidate Tate Barber early marijuana statement
- Republican Felzkowski Hints at Supporting Decrminalization.
- Republican from Neenah Rohrkaste answers marijuana reform question
- Republican Incumbent John Macco considers medical marijuana
- Republican Jeremy Thiesfeldt 2018 Campaign Statements on Marijuana
- Republican legislation has been pre-filed for the 2020 legislative session
- Republican Michael Schraa 2018 campaign statement on marijuana reform
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Republicans Steineke, Murphy and Rohrkaste chime in on medical marijuana
- Rob Swearingen and the Tavern League playing ball
- Selthofner scheduled for Joy Cardin Show on Wisconsin Public Radio
- Sen Bewley, Rep Quinn and Rep Milroy Weigh In On Marijuana Legalization
- Senator Marklein and Rep Kurtz do not understand marijuana reform
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- Senator Patrick Testin Dec 16, 2019 Listening Sessions
- Senator Roger Roth rejects facts about marijuana
- Senator Roth ignores 20 years of marijuana data and insists on 10 more
- Senator Stroebel: “Decriminalization is Legalization”
- Smoke The Vote: Governor Evers, Grade B+
- Special Election Candidate William Penterman (R) Plays politics with pot
- Special Election in Assembly District 37 requires a special strategy
- State balks at legalizing marijuana and Rep. McGuire could tip the committee
- Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237
- Support the Resolution to forbid Robin Vos from claiming he supports medical Cannabis
- The People’s Voice Act – Will the Numbers Add Up?
- Thiesfeldt opposes legalization, wants FDA approved medical marijuana
- Tip McGuire campaign statements on marijuana laws
- Visit Rep. Scott Krug in Wisconsin Rapids Dec 16
- Will Republican committee chairs repeat and kill the pot bills
- Will the real Joel Kitchens please stand up!
- Wisconsin 2021-22 State Assembly and Senate marijuana support graphs
- Wisconsin Legislative Scorecard 2017
- virtual luncheons should address marijuana reform
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Polling Data
- 2022 Fall Referendum Results
- AD 30: Zimmerman (R) vs Page (D)
- AD 40: DeSanto (D) vs Helmer (R)
- AD 75: Duke Tucker (R) vs Jane Kleiss (D)
- Dave Considine (D) retires, DeSanto, Cook and Kunicki announce
- Is Shannon Zimmerman (R) Safe in AD30
- Magnafici retires, Duke and Kline announce
- Marquette Law School Marijuana Poll Results
- Potential Outlooks for the Senate in 2025
- 2022 Fall Referendum Results
- Egg Harbor, Sturgeon Bay approve marijuana referendum questions
- Potential Outlooks for the Senate in 2025
- Rep Gae Magnafici Assembly District 28 Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep Pat Snyder In District Office Hours Dec 16
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep. Barbara Dittrich of District 38 2019 Marijuana Survey Question Results
- Rep. Edming Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) Fall Survey
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Rep. Patrick Snyder (R-Schofield) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Samantha Kerkman Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Jon Plumer 2019 Spring Survey Marijuana Question Results
- Smoke The Vote: Governor Evers, Grade B+
- Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237
- Survey: Employers’ Attitudes Shifting Regarding Drug Testing for Cannabis
- Wisconsin Legislative Scorecard 2017
Press Releases
- 2023-24 Decriminalization Bill Circulated for Co-sponsorship
- 31st Assembly District Rep. Amy Loudenbeck December in District Office Hours
- AB 772 / SB 702 THC Testing Reform Bill Introduced
- ACLU of Wisconsin Candidate Questionnaires
- AG Kaul joins cannabis coalition
- Americans For Safe Access releases Guide to Cannabis Safety
- Cannabis News And Brews planned in Two Rivers on December 14, 2019
- Coffee with Rep. Scott Allen from Waukesha scheduled for March 12th
- Congressman Glenn Grothman February 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Glenn Grothman January 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Executive Summary: Wisconsin Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide
- Help needed: Candidate Research and Data Entry
- Howards Grove, Cedar Grove and Sheboygan Listening Session Nov 4
- Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana
- Just Budget and Press Conference and Public Hearing
- Keep bud in the budget and make marijuana reform a priority
- Michael Schraa from Oshkosh co-authors Republican medical marijuana legislation.
- Milwaukee Marijuana Reform Moves Forward
- National Day of Action for Cannabis Clemency
- Press Release: 2022 Election Coverage
- Press Release: 2024 Election Coverage
- Press Release: Forum on Legalizing Marijuana in Wisconsin
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Rep Pat Snyder In District Office Hours Dec 16
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep. Edming Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Rep. Mary Felzkowski Dec 2019 Tomahawk, Merrill and Antigo Meetings
- Rep. Shae Sortwell De Pere Listening Session March 9
- Rep. Spreitzer and Sen. Ringhand Announce Brodhead Listening Session Feb 4
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Rep. Tittl, Sen. LeMahieu Listening Sessions in Manitowoc and Chilton Nov 4
- Republican Candidate Tate Barber early marijuana statement
- Republican legislation has been pre-filed for the 2020 legislative session
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Republicans mount attack against Cannabis extracts
- Round Table Discussion in West Allis – Marijuana Legalization
- Selthofner scheduled for Joy Cardin Show on Wisconsin Public Radio
- Senator Marklein February 2020 Listening Sessions / Phone Blitz
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- Senator Patrick Testin Dec 16, 2019 Listening Sessions
- Sign up for Email Action Alerts
- Smoke The Vote: Governor Evers, Grade B+
- Support Governor Evers including marijuana legalization in upcoming state budget
- Support the Resolution to forbid Robin Vos from claiming he supports medical Cannabis
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor 3 Tall Pines
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Crown Extracts
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Thumb Alternatives
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Web Design, serving the USA
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Ignite Dispensary & Cigar
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Kirk Everson from Everson & Richards, LLP Law Offices
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Original Shirtface
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor R. Cole Hemp in Oshkosh
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor The Stoner’s Travel Guide
- Thanks to 2022 Election Coverage Sponsor Chamber of CannaBiz
- Thanks to 2022 Election Coverage Sponsor Gene Check from
- Thanks to 2022 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Thumb Alternatives in Stevens Point
- Thanks to 2022 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Web Design, serving the USA
- Thanks to 2022 Election Coverage Sponsor Kirk Everson from Everson & Richards, LLP Law Offices
- Thanks to 2022 Election Coverage Sponsor R. Cole Hemp Care in Oshkosh
- US Senator Wyden Introduces Legislation to Clean Up Hemp Market, Keep Products Out of Kids’ Hands
- Visit Rep. Scott Krug in Wisconsin Rapids Dec 16
- WI Decriminalization Bill Circulated for Co-sponsorship
- WI DOJ Memo on Hemp or Marijuana: A new tool for law enforcement
- Wisconsin hemp day Oct 18th, 2020
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Primary Battle
- 85 & 87 Assembly District and Snyder (R) moves
- AD 1 Swagel to primary Kitchens, Paplham to face winner
- AD 11 Primary: Taylor (D) vs Heredia (D)
- AD 13 Primary: Michalski (R) vs Granger (R), winner to face Vining (D)
- AD 14: Tenorio (D) vs Engstrand (R) vs Shevey (I)
- AD 19 Primary: Clancy (D) vs Anderson (D)
- AD 27 Katsma (R) leaves, Brill (R) enters
- AD 33: Robin Vos (R), Kelly Clark (I), Alan Kupsik (D)
- AD 37 Primary : Born (R) vs Rydzewski (R); Bates awaits
- AD 4 and 6 Behnke, Steffen, Schmidt and let’s go Benson!
- AD 40: DeSanto (D) vs Helmer (R)
- AD 43: Scott Johnson (R) vs Brienne Brown (D)
- AD 47 Primary: Maldonado (D) vs Udell (D)
- AD 55 Primary: Gustafson (R), Schraa (R) and Kehoe (D)
- AD 55: Gustafson (R) vs Kehoe (D)
- AD 57 Primary: Peterson (R) vs Wilson (R), Caves (D) and Testin (I) on deck
- AD 61: LuAnn Bird (D) vs Bob Donovan (R)
- AD 65 Primary: Flood (D) vs DeSmidt (D)
- AD 65: DeSmidt (D) vs Gonzalez (R)
- AD 69 Primary: Hurd (R) vs Lori Voss (R) winner to face Halls (D) Kelley (I)
- AD 75: Duke Tucker (R) vs Jane Kleiss (D)
- AD 8 Primary: Ortiz-Velez (D) vs Murguia (D)
- AD 82 Allen (R), Reilly (D) vs D’Amico (D)
- AD 85: Patrick Snyder (R) vs Yee Leng Xiong (D)
- AD 86 Primary: Spiros (R), Rozar (R), Spindler (R)
- AD 92: Clint Moses (R) vs Joe Plouff (D)
- AD 93 Primary: Phelps (D) vs Butler (D), Rolbiecki (R) on deck
- AD 93: Christian Phelps (D) vs James Rolbiecki (R)
- AD 96 Primary: Johnson (D) vs Campbell (D)
- AD 96: Oldenberg (R) vs Johnson
- AD 98 Primary: Pridemore (R), Piwowarczyk (R), Schmechel (D)
- AD3 Tusler vs Bodden primary, who to face winner?
- Assembly District 43 Is Missing Who
- Bird (D) vs Donovan (R) in 61st AD rematch
- Brady Coulthard (D) – Assembly District 14
- Caden Berg (D) and Joe Plouff (D) want to challenge Rep. Clint Moses (R)
- Congress: Three Democrats race to face Fitzgerald
- Conley (D) in AD 44 retires, Roe and Myers announce
- Dave Considine (D) retires, DeSanto, Cook and Kunicki announce
- Magnafici retires, Duke and Kline announce
- Pfannerstill vs Dittrich Primary Election
- Primary Battles of the 2024 Election
- Senate 18: Alfheim (D) Carman (D) Phillips (R) Yang (R)
- Senate 20 Primary: Feyen (R) vs Ramthun (R) with Rapp (D)
- Will Paul Tittl (R) face a primary challenger
Public Awareness
- 1st Annual Wisconsin Hemp Expo in Milwaukee March 9, 2018
- 2023-24 Decriminalization Bill Circulated for Co-sponsorship
- ACLU of Wisconsin Candidate Questionnaires
- Americans For Safe Access releases Guide to Cannabis Safety
- Assembly Rep Dallman (R-Green Lake) 2021 spring Mobile Office Hours
- Just Budget and Press Conference and Public Hearing
- Medical Marijuana stalled by Wisconsin Republicans again in 2017
- Milwaukee Marijuana Reform Moves Forward
- National Day of Action for Cannabis Clemency
- Republicans mount attack against Cannabis extracts
- Robin Vos still offering lip service and the media lets him lie
- Support the Resolution to forbid Robin Vos from claiming he supports medical Cannabis
- WI Decriminalization Bill Circulated for Co-sponsorship
- WI DOJ Memo on Hemp or Marijuana: A new tool for law enforcement
- Wisconsin 2021-22 State Assembly and Senate marijuana support graphs
Public Relations
- 1st Annual Wisconsin Hemp Expo in Milwaukee March 9, 2018
- Americans For Safe Access releases Guide to Cannabis Safety
- Can Goyke find his Republican? Vos, Loudenbeck and Kerkman “Just Say No”
- Congressman Glenn Grothman January 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
- Door County Support for Medical Cannabis Resolution 2018-88
- Executive Summary: Wisconsin Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide
- Help needed: Candidate Research and Data Entry
- Just Budget and Press Conference and Public Hearing
- Milwaukee Marijuana Reform Moves Forward
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Radical Rant – The Drug War Racial Disparity in Pictures with Wisconsin Example
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep Pat Snyder In District Office Hours Dec 16
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep. District 36 Jeffrey Mursau Assembly 2019 Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Edming Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Rep. Mary Felzkowski Dec 2019 Tomahawk, Merrill and Antigo Meetings
- Rep. Snodgrass receives Cannabis Legislation Leader Award
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Republican legislation has been pre-filed for the 2020 legislative session
- Republicans mount attack against Cannabis extracts
- Robin Vos still offering lip service and the media lets him lie
- Selthofner scheduled for Joy Cardin Show on Wisconsin Public Radio
- Sen Bewley, Rep Quinn and Rep Milroy Weigh In On Marijuana Legalization
- Smoke The Vote: Governor Evers, Grade B+
- Support the Resolution to forbid Robin Vos from claiming he supports medical Cannabis
- Wisconsin 2021-22 State Assembly and Senate marijuana support graphs
- Wood County For Legalization, call out for local activism
Racine County
- 2022 Wisconsin Marijuana Referendums
- AD 33: Robin Vos (R), Kelly Clark (I), Alan Kupsik (D)
- AD 62: Winner is Cruz (D) AD 63: Winner is Wittke (R)
- AD 64: Incumbent McGuire (D) vs Hibsch (R)
- AD 66: Incumbent Neubauer (D) vs DeGroot (R)
- Rep. Neubauer: Statement on Governor Evers’ plan to legalize medical marijuana and decriminalize marijuana
- Republican Chuck Wichgers does not support marijuana reform
- Senate 28: Bradley (R) vs Lach (D)
- State balks at legalizing marijuana and Rep. McGuire could tip the committee
- Tip McGuire campaign statements on marijuana laws
- 2022 Fall Referendum Results
- 2022 Wisconsin Marijuana Referendums
- Florence County Opposition Resolution to state marijuana reform
- Rep Romaine Quinn (R-Barron) Spring Survey Results
- Rep Romaine Quinn (R-Barron) Spring Survey Results
- Rep. District 36 Jeffrey Mursau Assembly 2019 Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) 2019 Spring Survey Results
- Senator Roger Roth rejects facts about marijuana
- Vote YES Eau Claire campaign launches
- 2018 Wisconsin Fall Election – Uncontested Seats
- 2025-26 Republican Assembly Leadership Elected
- 2025-26 Republican Senate Leadership Elected
- 2nd Assembly Candidate Shae Sortwell speaks about marijuana reform
- 31st Assembly District Rep. Amy Loudenbeck December in District Office Hours
- 4th Assembly District: Marijuana Q&A with Republican David Steffen of Howard
- 6th Assembly District: Q&A with Republican Gary Tauchen of Bonduel
- AD 27 Katsma (R) leaves, Brill (R) enters
- AD 27: Lindee Brill (R) vs Kay Ladson (D)
- AD 34: Rob Swearingen (R) vs Dennis Nitzel (D)
- AD 35: Callahan (R) vs McCrank (D)
- AD 4 and 6 Behnke, Steffen, Schmidt and let’s go Benson!
- AD 49 Tranel (R) silent, so is challenger
- AD 49: Travis Tranel (R) vs Scott Walker, MD (D)
- AD 55 Primary: Gustafson (R), Schraa (R) and Kehoe (D)
- AD 55: Gustafson (R) vs Kehoe (D)
- AD 56: David “Kratom” Murphy (R) vs Emily Tseffos (D)
- AD 57 Primary: Peterson (R) vs Wilson (R), Caves (D) and Testin (I) on deck
- AD 58: Rick Gundrum (R) vs Deb Anderson (D)
- AD 60: O’Connor (R) vs Lavrenz (D)
- AD 69 Primary: Hurd (R) vs Lori Voss (R) winner to face Halls (D) Kelley (I)
- AD 74: Chanz Green (R) vs Jeanne Bruce (D)
- AD 75: Duke Tucker (R) vs Jane Kleiss (D)
- AD 98 Primary: Pridemore (R), Piwowarczyk (R), Schmechel (D)
- AD3 Tusler vs Bodden primary, who to face winner?
- Alex Dallman, Green Lake County GOP Chairman Announces Run For 41st State Assembly
- All eyes on these Republicans in 2023
- Assembly Rep. Barbara Dittrich Daughter faces charges
- Campaign 2018: Rep. Mary Felzkowski (R) Incumbent Candidate for 35th Assembly District
- Can Goyke find his Republican? Vos, Loudenbeck and Kerkman “Just Say No”
- Candidate Barbara Dittrich supports CBD but opposes products with THC
- Candidates Start to File in Assembly District 89 Special Election
- Cannabis Profiles: US Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R)
- Coffee with Rep. Scott Allen from Waukesha scheduled for March 12th
- Congressman Glenn Grothman April 2024 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Glenn Grothman February 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Glenn Grothman March 2020 Town Hall Meetings – Cancelled
- Congressman Grothman Survey lacks marijuana reform
- Contact your Republican Assembly Rep for leadership vote
- Executive Summary: Wisconsin Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide
- Gae Magnafici Discuss Their Views on Various Topics
- Incumbent Assembly Republican Murphy signals support for medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Dale Kooyenga shows sympathy for medical cannabis
- Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Stafsholt indicates supporting medical marijuana
- Is Rep Dittrich flip flopping her stance on THC?
- John Nygren 2019 Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Loren Oldenburg campaign statement on marijuana
- Magnafici retires, Duke and Kline announce
- Michael Schraa from Oshkosh co-authors Republican medical marijuana legislation.
- One Republican Stands out in the Assembly District 37 Primary
- Pfannerstill vs Dittrich Primary Election
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep John Nygren and Sen Alberta Darling gut marijuana reform from budget
- Rep John Nygren does not support marijuana reform under any conditions!
- Rep John Spiros (R-Marshfield) pre-2018 election marijuana Q & A
- Rep Krug and Snyder hint of Republican medical marijuana bill this session
- Rep Mary Felzkowski Medical Marijuana Info
- Rep Pat Snyder In District Office Hours Dec 16
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep Romaine Quinn (R-Barron) Spring Survey Results
- Rep Romaine Quinn (R-Barron) Spring Survey Results
- Rep Zimmerman shuts down marijuana legislation prior to introduction
- Rep. Amy Loudenbeck, R-Clinton open to medical marijuana?
- Rep. Barbara Dittrich of District 38 2019 Marijuana Survey Question Results
- Rep. District 36 Jeffrey Mursau Assembly 2019 Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Edming Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Gary Tauchen (R-Bonduel) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Rep. Jessie Rodriguez Milw and Oak Creek Listening Sessions
- Rep. Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) 2019 Spring Survey Results
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Rep. Mary Felzkowski Dec 2019 Tomahawk, Merrill and Antigo Meetings
- Rep. Nygren and Rep. Mursau: Hosts local law enforcement meeting
- Rep. Patrick Snyder (R-Schofield) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Romaine Quinn co-authors Republican version of medial marijuana for Wisconsin
- Rep. Samantha Kerkman Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Scott Allen (R) Hosts SMART Approach to Marijuana in WI
- Rep. Shae Sortwell De Pere Listening Session March 9
- Rep. Shae Sortwell leading the way on common sense marijuana reform
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Representative Jeffrey Mursau Assembly District 36 (R – Crivitz) talks to police about pot
- Republican Assembly Rep John Jagler swayed to YES on medical marijuana
- Republican Assembly Rep. John Macco calls out Fitzgerald on Medical Marijuana
- Republican Assembly Rep. Mark Born co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Assembly Rep. Shannon Zimmerman District Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Candidate Assembly 28 Gae Magnafici View on Marijuana
- Republican Candidate Jesse James campaign interview supports medical marijuana
- Republican Candidate Tate Barber early marijuana statement
- Republican Chuck Wichgers does not support marijuana reform
- Republican Felzkowski Hints at Supporting Decrminalization.
- Republican from Neenah Rohrkaste answers marijuana reform question
- Republican Incumbent John Macco considers medical marijuana
- Republican Jeremy Thiesfeldt 2018 Campaign Statements on Marijuana
- Republican John Spiros from Marshfield District 86 Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Jon Plumer 2019 Spring Survey Marijuana Question Results
- Republican Kathleen Bernier hints towards support of recreational and adult use marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Michael Schraa 2018 campaign statement on marijuana reform
- Republican Rep. Kerkman statements on marijuana reform
- Republican Ron Tusler 2018 campaign statements about marijuana reform
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Republican Tony Kurtz would be open to medical marijuana if hemp ineffective
- Republican Zimmerman and Stafsholt hash out marijuana reform
- Republicans mount attack against Cannabis extracts
- Robin Vos still offering lip service and the media lets him lie
- Sen Bewley, Rep Quinn and Rep Milroy Weigh In On Marijuana Legalization
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Senator Feyen has conditions for backing medical pot
- Senator Marklein and Rep Kurtz do not understand marijuana reform
- Senator Marklein February 2020 Listening Sessions / Phone Blitz
- Senator Nass and Rep. August have selective hearing on marijuana reform
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- Senator Roger Roth 2018 Marijuana Statements
- Senator Roger Roth rejects facts about marijuana
- Senator Roth ignores 20 years of marijuana data and insists on 10 more
- Senator Tiffany opposing decriminalization of marijuana
- Special Election Candidate William Penterman (R) Plays politics with pot
- Spiteful Senator Andre Jacque
- Testin, Kurtz Predict Wisconsin Will Be Top Hemp Producer Within a Decade
- Thiesfeldt opposes legalization, wants FDA approved medical marijuana
- Tiffany March 21 in Cadott, Chippewa County
- Todd Menzel (R) 13th Senate District: Cannabis Questionnaire
- Tony Kurtz campaign statements on marijuana reform
- Tyler August (R-Lake Geneva) does not support marijuana reform
- Visit Rep. Scott Krug in Wisconsin Rapids Dec 16
- Will Paul Tittl (R) face a primary challenger
- Will the real Joel Kitchens please stand up!
- Wisconsin 2021-22 State Assembly and Senate marijuana support graphs
- Wisconsin Legislative Scorecard 2017
- Wisconsin Republican Senate Elects Leadership for 2021-22
- Wisconsin State Senate Candidates Supporting Legalization of Marijuana
- ACLU of Wisconsin Candidate Questionnaires
- All eyes on these Republicans in 2023
- Executive Summary: Wisconsin Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide
- Help needed: Candidate Research and Data Entry
- Potential Outlooks for the Assembly in 2025
- Potential Outlooks for the Senate in 2025
- Republicans mount attack against Cannabis extracts
- WI DOJ Memo on Hemp or Marijuana: A new tool for law enforcement
- Will Republican committee chairs repeat and kill the pot bills
- Wisconsin Justice Initiative Releases 2021 Pot Page
Richland County
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley (D)
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 14: Ballweg (R) vs Keyeski (D)
- Senator Marklein and Rep Kurtz do not understand marijuana reform
- Senator Marklein February 2020 Listening Sessions / Phone Blitz
- Top 5 Senate Races of 2024
Rock County
- 31st Assembly District Rep. Amy Loudenbeck December in District Office Hours
- AD 31: August (R) vs Henderson (D)
- AD 43: Scott Johnson (R) vs Brienne Brown (D)
- Assembly District 43 Is Missing Who
- Conley (D) in AD 44 retires, Roe and Myers announce
- Democrats Spreitzer and Ringhand hold online listening session April 1
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep. Spreitzer and Sen. Ringhand Announce Brodhead Listening Session Feb 4
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
Sauk County
- AD 40: DeSanto (D) vs Helmer (R)
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley (D)
- Assembly Rep Dallman (R-Green Lake) 2021 spring Mobile Office Hours
- Dave Considine (D) retires, DeSanto, Cook and Kunicki announce
- Senate 14: Ballweg (R) vs Keyeski (D)
- Senator Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) Spring Listening Sessions
- Top 5 Senate Races of 2024
Shawano County
- 6th Assembly District: Q&A with Republican Gary Tauchen of Bonduel
- AD 35: Callahan (R) vs McCrank (D)
- AD 4 and 6 Behnke, Steffen, Schmidt and let’s go Benson!
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Rep. District 36 Jeffrey Mursau Assembly 2019 Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Gary Tauchen (R-Bonduel) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Mary Felzkowski Dec 2019 Tomahawk, Merrill and Antigo Meetings
- Representative Jeffrey Mursau Assembly District 36 (R – Crivitz) talks to police about pot
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Senator Tiffany opposing decriminalization of marijuana
Sheboygan County
- AD 26: Amy Binsfeld (R) vs Joe Sheehan (D)
- AD 27 Katsma (R) leaves, Brill (R) enters
- AD 27: Lindee Brill (R) vs Kay Ladson (D)
- Assembly District 26 in Sheboygan up for grabs
- Congressman Glenn Grothman February 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Howards Grove, Cedar Grove and Sheboygan Listening Session Nov 4
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 20 Primary: Feyen (R) vs Ramthun (R) with Rapp (D)
- Will Paul Tittl (R) face a primary challenger
St. Croix County
- AD 30: Zimmerman (R) vs Page (D)
- AD 75: Duke Tucker (R) vs Jane Kleiss (D)
- Incumbent Republican Stafsholt indicates supporting medical marijuana
- Is Shannon Zimmerman (R) Safe in AD30
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 10: Incumbent Stafsholt (R) vs Hambleton (D)
- Wisconsin County Marijuana Referendum July 2018 Meeting Dates
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Taylor County
- AD 69 Primary: Hurd (R) vs Lori Voss (R) winner to face Halls (D) Kelley (I)
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Trempealeau County
- AD 93 Primary: Phelps (D) vs Butler (D), Rolbiecki (R) on deck
- AD 93: Christian Phelps (D) vs James Rolbiecki (R)
- AD 94: Incumbent Doyle (D) vs Huebsch (R)
- Republican Kathleen Bernier hints towards support of recreational and adult use marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Senate 10: Incumbent Stafsholt (R) vs Hambleton (D)
- ‘The Insiders’ discuss Wisconsin tribes’ push to legalize medical marijuana
- Candidate Barbara Dittrich supports CBD but opposes products with THC
- City of Berlin discusses legalizing recreational marijuana
- Democrats Fred Kessler and LaKeshia Myers marijuana statements
- Evers proposes legalizing marijuana in Wisconsin
- Gordon Hintz hands down sentence of 6 months to 10 years for marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Dale Kooyenga shows sympathy for medical cannabis
- Just Budget and Press Conference and Public Hearing
- Law Enforcement Officials Call for an End to “The War On Drugs”
- Public Hearing Video from April 20, 2022
- Rebecca Kleefisch on pot as a potential Gov candidate
- Rep. Swearingen visits the Florence County Sheriff to talk Marijuana
- Republican Assembly Rep Jesse James co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Candidate Jesse James campaign interview supports medical marijuana
- Selthofner Interviewed for Channel 13 WEAU in Eau Claire
- Thank you candidates and sponsors for the Oct 5th Event
- Thiesfeldt opposes legalization, wants FDA approved medical marijuana
- Thousands turn out for first Wisconsin Cannabis Expo in Milwaukee
Vilas County
- AD 34: Rob Swearingen (R) vs Dennis Nitzel (D)
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 12: Incumbent Felzkowski (R) vs Rich (D)
- Senator Tiffany opposing decriminalization of marijuana
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
- AD 31: August (R) vs Henderson (D)
- AD 33: Robin Vos (R), Kelly Clark (I), Alan Kupsik (D)
- AD 43: Scott Johnson (R) vs Brienne Brown (D)
- Assembly District 43 Is Missing Who
- Congress: Three Democrats race to face Fitzgerald
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Republican Chuck Wichgers does not support marijuana reform
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 28: Bradley (R) vs Lach (D)
- Coffee with Rep. Scott Allen from Waukesha scheduled for March 12th
- Incumbent Republican Dale Kooyenga shows sympathy for medical cannabis
- Is Rep Dittrich flip flopping her stance on THC?
- Rep. Barbara Dittrich of District 38 2019 Marijuana Survey Question Results
- Republican Chuck Wichgers does not support marijuana reform
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
Waukesha County
- AD 13 Primary: Michalski (R) vs Granger (R), winner to face Vining (D)
- AD 15: Adam Neylon (R) vs Sarah Harrison (D)
- AD 82 Allen (R), Reilly (D) vs D’Amico (D)
- Congress: Three Democrats race to face Fitzgerald
- Is Senator darling pulling a robin vos or just wrong about marijuana
- Pfannerstill vs Dittrich Primary Election
- Rep. Scott Allen (R) Hosts SMART Approach to Marijuana in WI
- Senate 28: Bradley (R) vs Lach (D)
- Senate 8: Stroebel (R) vs Habush Sinykin (D)
- Top 5 Senate Races of 2024
Winnebago County
- 53rd Assembly District Analysis
- AD 39: Chris Gordon (D) vs Alex Dallman (R)
- AD 53: Shukoski (D) vs Kaufert (R)
- AD 54: Incumbent Lori Palmeri (D) vs Tim Paterson
- AD 55 Primary: Gustafson (R), Schraa (R) and Kehoe (D)
- AD 55: Gustafson (R) vs Kehoe (D)
- AD 57 Primary: Peterson (R) vs Wilson (R), Caves (D) and Testin (I) on deck
- Assembly Rep. Gordon Hintz Townhall March 19 Cancelled
- Democrat Rep. Gordon Hintz statements about cannabis reform
- Grass Routes Tour Targets
- LTE: Duane Shukoski is right for AD 53
- Michael Schraa from Oshkosh co-authors Republican medical marijuana legislation.
- Rep. Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) Fall Survey
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Michael Schraa 2018 campaign statement on marijuana reform
- Republicans Steineke, Murphy and Rohrkaste chime in on medical marijuana
- Senate 18: Alfheim (D) Carman (D) Phillips (R) Yang (R)
- Senator Roger Roth 2018 Marijuana Statements
- Senator Roger Roth rejects facts about marijuana
- Senator Roth ignores 20 years of marijuana data and insists on 10 more
- Top 5 Senate Races of 2024
- Winnebago County on high alert
- Wisconsin County Marijuana Referendum July 2018 Meeting Dates
- 31st Assembly District Rep. Amy Loudenbeck December in District Office Hours
- 4th Assembly District: Marijuana Q&A with Republican David Steffen of Howard
- 6th Assembly District: Q&A with Republican Gary Tauchen of Bonduel
- AD 64: Incumbent McGuire (D) vs Hibsch (R)
- Alex Dallman, Green Lake County GOP Chairman Announces Run For 41st State Assembly
- Assembly Rep. Gordon Hintz Townhall March 19 Cancelled
- Can Goyke find his Republican? Vos, Loudenbeck and Kerkman “Just Say No”
- Cannabis News And Brews planned in Two Rivers on December 14, 2019
- Coffee with Rep. Scott Allen from Waukesha scheduled for March 12th
- Congressman Glenn Grothman April 2024 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Glenn Grothman February 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Glenn Grothman March 2020 Town Hall Meetings – Cancelled
- Council member from Berlin expects high turnout for November meetings
- Democrat Rep. Gordon Hintz statements about cannabis reform
- Democrats Spreitzer and Ringhand hold online listening session April 1
- Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
- Door County Support for Medical Cannabis Resolution 2018-88
- Egg Harbor, Sturgeon Bay approve marijuana referendum questions
- Executive Summary: Wisconsin Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide
- Florence County Opposition Resolution to state marijuana reform
- Howards Grove, Cedar Grove and Sheboygan Listening Session Nov 4
- Incumbent Assembly Republican Murphy signals support for medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Dale Kooyenga shows sympathy for medical cannabis
- Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Stafsholt indicates supporting medical marijuana
- Is Rep Dittrich flip flopping her stance on THC?
- Marijuana referendum on Nov. 6 ballot a no-go for Fond du Lac County residents
- Michael Schraa from Oshkosh co-authors Republican medical marijuana legislation.
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Radical Rant – The Drug War Racial Disparity in Pictures with Wisconsin Example
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep John Nygren does not support marijuana reform under any conditions!
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Rep Pat Snyder In District Office Hours Dec 16
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep Romaine Quinn (R-Barron) Spring Survey Results
- Rep Romaine Quinn (R-Barron) Spring Survey Results
- Rep. Barbara Dittrich of District 38 2019 Marijuana Survey Question Results
- Rep. Billings should be more supportive of marijuana reform
- Rep. District 36 Jeffrey Mursau Assembly 2019 Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Gary Tauchen (R-Bonduel) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) Fall Survey
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Rep. Jessie Rodriguez Milw and Oak Creek Listening Sessions
- Rep. Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) 2019 Spring Survey Results
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Rep. Mary Felzkowski Dec 2019 Tomahawk, Merrill and Antigo Meetings
- Rep. Neubauer: Statement on Governor Evers’ plan to legalize medical marijuana and decriminalize marijuana
- Rep. Patrick Snyder (R-Schofield) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Romaine Quinn co-authors Republican version of medial marijuana for Wisconsin
- Rep. Samantha Kerkman Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Shae Sortwell De Pere Listening Session March 9
- Rep. Shae Sortwell leading the way on common sense marijuana reform
- Rep. Spreitzer and Sen. Ringhand Announce Brodhead Listening Session Feb 4
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Rep. Tittl, Sen. LeMahieu Listening Sessions in Manitowoc and Chilton Nov 4
- Representative Jeffrey Mursau Assembly District 36 (R – Crivitz) talks to police about pot
- Republican Assembly Rep Jesse James co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Assembly Rep John Jagler swayed to YES on medical marijuana
- Republican Assembly Rep. Mark Born co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Candidate Assembly 28 Gae Magnafici View on Marijuana
- Republican Candidate Tate Barber early marijuana statement
- Republican Chuck Wichgers does not support marijuana reform
- Republican Incumbent John Macco considers medical marijuana
- Republican Jeremy Thiesfeldt 2018 Campaign Statements on Marijuana
- Republican Jon Plumer 2019 Spring Survey Marijuana Question Results
- Republican Kathleen Bernier hints towards support of recreational and adult use marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Michael Schraa 2018 campaign statement on marijuana reform
- Republican Rep. Kerkman statements on marijuana reform
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Republicans Steineke, Murphy and Rohrkaste chime in on medical marijuana
- Round Table Discussion in West Allis – Marijuana Legalization
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Senator Feyen has conditions for backing medical pot
- Senator Marklein and Rep Kurtz do not understand marijuana reform
- Senator Marklein February 2020 Listening Sessions / Phone Blitz
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- Senator Patrick Testin Dec 16, 2019 Listening Sessions
- Senator Roger Roth 2018 Marijuana Statements
- Senator Roger Roth rejects facts about marijuana
- Senator Roth ignores 20 years of marijuana data and insists on 10 more
- Senator Tiffany opposing decriminalization of marijuana
- State balks at legalizing marijuana and Rep. McGuire could tip the committee
- Superior City Council votes to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana
- The People’s Voice Act – Will the Numbers Add Up?
- Thiesfeldt opposes legalization, wants FDA approved medical marijuana
- Tip McGuire campaign statements on marijuana laws
- Visit Rep. Scott Krug in Wisconsin Rapids Dec 16
- Will the real Joel Kitchens please stand up!
- Wisconsin County Marijuana Referendum July 2018 Meeting Dates
- Wisconsin Legislative Scorecard 2017
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Wisconsin Counties
- AD 21: Jessie Rodriguez (R) Assembly seat in jeopardy
- AD 21: Jessie Rodriguez (R) vs David Marstellar (D)
- AD 26: Amy Binsfeld (R) vs Joe Sheehan (D)
- AD 40: DeSanto (D) vs Helmer (R)
- AD 75: Duke Tucker (R) vs Jane Kleiss (D)
- AD 94: Incumbent Doyle (D) vs Huebsch (R)
- Assembly District 26 in Sheboygan up for grabs
- Berlin moves to ban Delta 8 THC
- Can Rep. Steve Doyle defend his turf AD94
- Candidates Start to File in Assembly District 89 Special Election
- City of Antigo passes ordinance to decriminalize small amount of marijuana
- City of Appleton lowers marijuana fines
- Conley (D) in AD 44 retires, Roe and Myers announce
- Dave Considine (D) retires, DeSanto, Cook and Kunicki announce
- Is Senator darling pulling a robin vos or just wrong about marijuana
- Magnafici retires, Duke and Kline announce
- Milwaukee Marijuana Reform Moves Forward
- One Republican Stands out in the Assembly District 37 Primary
- Rep. Scott Allen (R) Hosts SMART Approach to Marijuana in WI
- SE Wisconsin NORML meets Nov 19th at Brewed Cafe in Milwaukee
- Senator Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) Spring Listening Sessions
- Special Election Candidate Pete Adams (D) receives A+ Grade
- Todd Menzel (R) 13th Senate District: Cannabis Questionnaire
- Will Berlin Elect a Cannabis Friendly Mayor
- Winnebago County on high alert
- Wisconsin Cannabis Legislation Meeting Planned for Oct 21, 2012
- Wisconsin County Marijuana Referendum July 2018 Meeting Dates
Wisconsin Marijuana
- 2017-2018 Medical Marijuana Hopes Killed by Wisconsin Republicans
- Incumbent Republican Stafsholt indicates supporting medical marijuana
- Press Release: Forum on Legalizing Marijuana in Wisconsin
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Superior City Council votes to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana
Wisconsin News
- 2017-2018 Medical Marijuana Hopes Killed by Wisconsin Republicans
- Florence County Opposition Resolution to state marijuana reform
- Press Release: Forum on Legalizing Marijuana in Wisconsin
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Selthofner Interviewed for Channel 13 WEAU in Eau Claire
- Superior City Council votes to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana
- The Russ Belville Show #141 – Medical Refugees Flee Wisconsin for Michigan’s UP
Wisconsin Politics
- Florence County Opposition Resolution to state marijuana reform
- Medical Marijuana stalled by Wisconsin Republicans again in 2017
- MORE ACT: Wisconsin Republicans Just Say NO
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- WisconsinEye Candidate Interviews Lack Marijuana Question
Wood County
- AD 43: Scott Johnson (R) vs Brienne Brown (D)
- Assembly District 43 Is Missing Who
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Republican Kathleen Bernier hints towards support of recreational and adult use marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Senator Patrick Testin Dec 16, 2019 Listening Sessions
- Visit Rep. Scott Krug in Wisconsin Rapids Dec 16
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020