Pfannerstill vs Dittrich Primary Election
The new 99th Assembly District seems to be a victory to the Republicans in this district. The redrawn 99th District that ends at Watertown on the west, and is extended east to include Hartland, no longer including Wales and Dousman but stretching north into Dodge County. It is a heavily favored Republican stronghold district.
This race is not even on the radar of most political researchers as a district to watch as being close. I will be watching for a Republican Primary Battle! Redistricting is shaking things up a little bit as the former Incumbent of the old 99th Assembly Cindy Duchow (R – Town of Delafield) is now in the 97th district which leaves the 99th Assembly District ripe for a primary battle.
Primary elections are often decided by just a few votes. Issue based items such as marijuana legalization often separates primary candidates from each other. Candidates seeking office are currently collecting signatures before the June deadline for ballot access. The primary elections come quickly in August and now is the time to help shape your local candidates view on marijuana reform.

Dittrich (R)

Dittrich ran unopposed in 2022 and has been elected since 2018. This would be the first time Dittrich has the potential to face a challenger in 2024 August primary election.
Barbara Dittrich (R) from Oconomowoc is really no friend to cannabis reform. She did make a post on her facebook page that although she does not support it, marijuana will someday be legal in Wisconsin. Someone on facebook called her a ‘prohibitchinist”. In her candidate statement she “vehemently opposed to THC in any form.”
Where does her hate for cannabis come from? In 2019 she conducted a legislative survey to her constituents and an overwhelming majority of those surveyed support positive reform measures.
In January 2020 Rep. Dittrich drew a large amount of public criticism for her Facebook Comment on a news repost about Wisconsin workers who use legal weed in Illinois facing issues complications back home. Her lead comment along with the re-post was “At a time where we have more job openings than available workers and reckless driving is at an epidemic level, legalizing recreational marijuana is not helpful.”
I read her name in the news back in 2021 when her daughter was arrested for marijuana and a few other things. That incident and public statement reported from Dittrich sheds more light on the legislator to cannabis activists. Rep. Dittrich issued a statement saying her daughter is a young adult and needs support as she takes responsibility for her well-being.
“Every family who suffers through the pain of addiction, regardless of the specific form which it presents, has their own private story of trial and sorrow,” Barbara Dittrich said. “Now you know part of my family’s story and what impacts some of my legislative decisions. Given this recent incident, I will fight all the harder for those facing similar circumstances as long as I remain in the Wisconsin state Legislature.”
Pfannerstill (R)
Jeff Pfannerstill is the potential Republican candidate to take down Dittrich in the primary battle. Pfannerstill has been Hartland’s village president since 2017.
His campaign facebook page is up to date and he has events listed in which you can show up in person and talk to him about cannabis reform. Jeff Pfannerstill had this to say about cannabis reform: We need to sit everyone down to start a discussion. Instead of just denying that a large group of the 99th district would like to to see the law move towards, legal medical , or legal recreation completely, we need to sit down with marijuana advocates, law enforcement, medical field professionals, and people that are opposed to any medical freedom or marijuana legalization we need to start there, not just as a talking point during an election, but as a fact finding discussion that continues in search of truth. Whatever that truth may be. The potency is much higher now than it was in the past so we do have to talk about that as well. It is a plant naturally created by God. I have difficulty standing between human beings and plants that God put on this earth: But again, there has to be discussions with everyone. I am pro law enforcement, and we have to find a way that if we move the needle toward legalization in any way, that law enforcement can do there jobs effectively.
Dahms (D)?
Alec Dahms from Hartland was very vocal about his support for marijuana in previous elections stating: “Tax dollars are wasted on arrests for non-violent crimes involving marijuana. Other states have seen amazing success with small business opening and not only making communities thrive, but increasing government revenue that can be reinvested into healthcare and schooling programs. It is time to move forward with the immensely popular issue.“
Alec Dahms did make a March 29th 2024 facebook post saying: “As voters look up options for the upcoming fall elections, I want to make very clear that I have NOT announced another State Assembly campaign. I have simply updated my committee registration. Wispolitics did not reach out for comment.
I very much appreciate the tremendous support I received from my last campaign! However, news like this is something you would hear from me directly. I plan on working in whatever capacity I can to elect likeminded Democrats up and down the ballot in November!“
Stay tuned
I will provide you additional 2024 Wisconsin State Election coverage throughout the campaign season. This next election is extremely important for marijuana reform and I will continue to bring you information as more candidates make their political moves.
In the event that we end up with divided government in the 2024-25 legislation session, the official formation of The Wisconsin Cannabis Caucus would be a must first step towards reform. The official establishment of this Caucus will represent the growing, bipartisan support in Wisconsin.
Although session as ended we still urge you to contact your elected officials. The top four action alerts are still functionable on The Wisconsin Cannabis Activist Action Network for you immediate use.