AD 33: Robin Vos (R), Kelly Clark (I), Alan Kupsik (D)
Is Republican Robin Vos safe in the newly drawn 33rd Assembly District? In the 2022 primary election against Adam Steen, Vos only won by 260 votes or 2.6% and unfortunately there was no other challenger on the final ballot. Since that time he was faced recall attempt after recall attempt and was poised to face another primary battle this August, but it seems although Republican Andrew Cegielski from East Troy is on the ballot he has unofficially withdrew from the race. This fall Vos will not get a free walk after the primary, as Democrat Alan Kupsik and Independent Kelly Clark from Sturtevant are on the final ballot.
Who are Kupsik and Clark? I did find an interesting post by Jim Piwowarczyk on the subject of Clark. Jim is the co founder and editor of Wisconsin Right Now and candidate for State Assembly in the 98th District facing a primary election. He had some great political insight and shared some of his analysis of the race as it stands:
For another take on the situation Vos has himself in, Rich Kremer from Wisconsin Public Radio published an article entitled The fight for his life’: Vos faces 2 challengers in district race who helped with ongoing recall that is certainly worth the read.
Back to Vos
Assembly Speaker Vos and was first elected to that office in 2013. He is the longest-serving Speaker of the Assembly in Wisconsin history if I recall. The other thing I recall is the time Vos authored a controversial pharmacutical based medical cannabis program that was doomed from the start. Rather than work with more friendly Republicans on a bill that might attract a Democrat or two, Vos wanted to rule vs govern and tried to ram his bill down the Senate Republicans throat and the whole GOP choked.
The “Bill” Vos authored was co-authored by one of the most 420 friendly Republicans, Rep. Clint Moses.
Not only did Vos author the bill, he sent the bill to the Committee on Health, in which Rep. Moses (R) is the chair. Moses has a supporting cast in the committee, but to date has failed to hold a public hearing on his bill in his committee.
Speaker Robin Vos (R) has always been critical of any medical marijuana program that would lead to a further push for recreational marijuana and has publicly threatened to kill the bill if any of that poison talk makes its way into the conversation.
Alan Kupsik (D)
Kupsik has not rebranded his campaign facebook page from his 2014 run to the new district yet and no recent posts were made. He did post his resume from his personal facebook page.
Campaign 2014 interview with Alan Kupsik (D), candidate for 32nd Assembly District.
Kupsik (D) 34.1% of the vote lost against Tyler August (R).
Kupsik stated he is not in favor of recreational marijuana.
Medical marijuana he says it is definitely something to consider.
Listen to him in his own words.

Stay tuned and get active!
I will provide you additional 2024 Wisconsin State Election coverage throughout the campaign season. This next election is extremely important for marijuana reform and I will continue to bring you information as more candidates make their political moves.
In the event that we end up with divided government in the 2024-25 legislation session, the official formation of The Wisconsin Cannabis Caucus would be a must first step towards reform. The official establishment of this Caucus will represent the growing, bipartisan support in Wisconsin.
Although session as ended we still urge you to contact your elected officials. The top four action alerts are still functionable on The Wisconsin Cannabis Activist Action Network for you immediate use.
Sources: CNanalysis, WisPolitics, Davesredistircing, PeoplesMaps, WEC Candidate Tracking